Sith Chat

281 14 4

Darth Maul has entered the chat.

General Grievous has entered the chat.

Count Dooku has entered the chat.

Droid Commander  has entered the chat.

Droid: Wassup guys?

Dooku: Kick him out.

Darth Maul has kicked Droid Commander.

General: So what now.

Maul: Idk

Captain Rex has entered the chat.

Rex: Hide your daughter or son. I want them.

Captain Rex has left the chat.

Dooku: What the hell was that?

Maul: That was just plain weird

General: I agree with you.

Commander Cody has entered the chat.

Cody: I want you daughter. I know you have one Count Dooku. I think.

Commander Cody has left the chat.

Dooku: Okay....

A Normal Clone Trooper has entered the chat.

Clone Trooper: You're daughter is with me!

A Normal Clone Trooper has left the chat.

Darth Maul has left the chat.

Count Dooku has left the chat.

General:  :(

General Grievous has left the chat.

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