Aquarium Date.

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"Jinko? I'm coming in." Akutagawa said lightly as he opened the bathroom door of the high-rise apartment he and his boyfriend shared. Atsushi had been in the bathroom quite a while and Akutagawa was curious as to what the delay was. He peeked in the door and looked around the bathroom, catching Atsushi's eyes in the mirror across the large room. Atsushi's cheeks were tinted red and frustration emanated from his body. He looked down to avoid the taller boys continued gaze from the door. "Can I come in?" Akutagawa said in a soft tone, noticing how flustered the smaller boy was. "Yes," Atsushi mumbled, refusing to look up from the floor. The taller boy made his way across the bathroom, sprinkling feather light touches on Atsushi's lower back as he approached. "What's wrong, my love?" Akutagawa said, concern laced in his voice. Atsushi mumbled something unintelligible. Akutagawa's hand glided to the grey haired boy's chin, lifting his eyes to meet his own. Soft eyes met frustrated ones as Akutagawa repeated his question. "My hair, Ryuu. I'm having a very hard time!" Atsushi said, exasperated. A smile tugged at the corners of Akutagawa's mouth as his eyes travelled to the top of Atsushi's head, where he had a small tuft of hair sticking straight up in the air. "It's okay," Akutagawa said in a lighthearted tone. He leaned towards Atsushi and placed a light kiss on the smaller boy's forehead before gently taking the brush from his hand. "I'll help." Akutagawa hummed. Atsushi gave a small thank you, cheeks tinted scarlet from the affection he had received. Akutagawa began to brush through Atsushi's hair, causing Atsushi to relax and smile to himself. "Ryuu, let's go out today." Atsushi hummed in a melodic tone. Akutagawa smiled as he finished fixing Atsushi's hair. He gave a satisfied nod to himself as he sat the brush down on the bathroom counter. "I know just the place to go. Would you like to accompany me on a date to the aquarium today, Atsushi?" Akutagawa lifted Atsushi's hand to his lips and left a light kiss on the tops of his knuckles. Atsushi's heart fluttered at the gesture. He was still getting used to this side of Akutagawa, it had only been about a year since they last tried to kill each other. A large, childlike, smile stretched across Atsushi's face as he thought of the aquarium. He had never been somewhere so grand before. "I would love to Ryuu!" Atsushi exclaimed as he threw his arms around his boyfriend's neck in a tight hug. Akutagawa chuckled lightly in return. "I thought you'd be excited."


Akutagawa walked slightly ahead of Atsushi as they approached the sleek black sports car Akutagawa had bought on some whim a while ago. He walked around the car, casually opening the passenger side door for the smaller boy. Atsushi smiled as he approached the open door. "Thank you, Ryuu." Atsushi said in a sweet tone as he quickly pecked Akutagawa's cheek before sliding down into the car. Akutagawa coughed lightly into his hand, thankful for a reason to cover the pink tint in his cheeks as he walked back around the front of his car. Akutagawa slid into the car next to Atsushi, the engine humming to life as he turned the key. Atsushi was practically bouncing in his seat with excitement. He had never even dreamed that he would he get to see an aquarium. Atsushi began shaking his left leg like crazy. Akutagawa noticed his boyfriend's excitement and felt his heart grow softer towards the other boy. He held one hand firmly on the steering wheel while lightly placing his other on Atsushi's leg in an attempt to calm his shaking down. Atsushi felt crimson patches inch up his neck to his ears at the feeling of Akutagawa's hand on his thigh. "Excited, are we?" Akutagawa asked, a soft smile on his face. Atsushi became a little embarrassed as he responded, "I am excited, Ryuu. This is my first time going to an aquarium and I am happy it is with you." Akutagawa's heart felt like it was beating too fast to be safe as he processed the honesty that came from his boyfriend's mouth. Akutagawa regained his composure after a moment and managed to get a response out. "If I had known this would make you so happy, we would have gone sooner." Akutagawa said lightly as they turned into the parking lot of the massive aquarium that stood in front of them. Atsushi audibly gasped at the sight of the large building. He practically jumped out of the car once they had parked and grabbed the taller boy's hand immediately to pull him to the front doors.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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