11th Chapter

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11th Chapter

IT'S ALMOST a month since Zhan gets to know and met Wang Yibo. For the past few days, he gets used to Yibo's presence that seriously pesters him every day when he's about to go home late at night.

Yibo goes here at the ZBar at exactly 6 in the evening with his friends and just stayed on the main counter where he entertained customers or sometimes, he just sat down in the VIP section together with his friends.

And today, Yibo called him earlier before going off to work that he will fetch him by 9 in the evening but his work ends by 10.

"Just tell your boss that you need to do something important," that what he said. Asshole, right?

He shakes his head while changing into a bartender outfit. He folded his sleeves up to his elbow before wrapping the black apron around his waist.

As time passes by, he keeps on checking his wristwatch making Yanli looked at him weirdly.

"You are excited to leave? Why? You have a date?" Yanli teased him

Zhan snorted to hide his embarrassment, "N-No!" He yelled then looked away

Yanli grinned at him, "Oh yeah?" She teased again before getting close to him, "Wang Yibo will date you, huh?" She asked using her playful voice.

Zhan felt all his blood goes straight up to his face making it heat like a heater, "Y-Yah! That's not t-true!" He yelled again

Yanli laughed at his reaction then shakes her head afterward, "Then why are you stammering? Defensive," she said but whispered the last part.

He pouted his lips and sat on the high chair. Is he that obvious?

Zhan sighed. He can't deny the fact that he's excited to see Yibo again tho every day they see each other but there is something about this day that he even questioned himself for being excited about nothing.

Like, what's new? He's with Yibo every day.

He's getting weirder and weirder every time he spends his day with that asshole guy.

Zhan just spends his remaining time entertaining VIP guests of Zhuocheng. Speaking of Zhuocheng, he still hasn't asked him if he can go home early today.

Hmm, maybe later. He thought.

When the clock hit 8:45 in the evening, he immediately walked straight to Zhuocheng's private office and knocked endlessly.

"Come in," Zhuocheng yelled.

He twists the doorknob and pushed it. He just shows half of his body to Zhuocheng who's busy doing his work, "Can I go home by 9?" He asked shyly

Zhuocheng raised his head, "Why? You'll go to hell?" He asked while furrowing his eyebrows.

What he means by hell is the house of his parents. Well, it's a living hell to living there. Making their own decisions for you to follow without asking if that's fine sucks.

That's one of the reasons why he becomes a rebel aside from being a freaking omega.

Zhan shakes his head for an answer.

"Then what?" He asked now raising his eyebrows

He pursed his lips, "Uhh, just b-because." He said

Zhuocheng rolled his eyes before lowering down his gaze again to his work, "No. We'll have an important VIP later." He said

Zhan snorted, "Please?"

"No," he firmly muttered.

Out of frustration, Zhan goes inside and slammed Zhuocheng's table without thinking straight, "I hurt my knees!" He lied but perfectly fine.

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