Tickle Fight

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*Terrible written out fluff warning*

It was a peaceful Saturday morning. The light outside shone on Brian's eyes. He woke up and saw his boyfriend, Roger, sleeping while cuddled up right beside him.

Roger's eyebrows were furrowed, his lips a little pouty. He looked like an angry little boy. Brian smiled at how cute his boyfriend looked while sleeping.

Brian couldn't help but to lean his head down and kiss Roger gently. He layed kisses on Roger's eyelid. He fluttered his eyes a little, but went right back to the state he was in. Then Brian glided his lips to his cheek, kissing it multiple times. After that, he glided his lips further down to his neck.

He kissed his neck lightly and blew air on it. Roger squirmed and seemed to try to get away from the feeling. Brian thought that his reaction was interesting, so he continued to peck Roger's neck until he heard a cackle.

"Stop that," Roger said. Brian lifted his head back up and saw his boyfriend with his droopy eyes opened.

"Good morning, love," Brian greeted. He leaned down to peck Roger's lips that was puckered out.

But that didn't stop from there. They continued to kiss each other. And soon, the kisses became more passionate, and Brian's body was moved to the top of Roger.

They never really made out like this ever, the most they did was before sleeping, they'd peck each other on the lips until they fell asleep.

Brian found his hands gliding along Roger's sides, and Roger soon smiled which broke the kiss and his body jolted up slightly.

"What's so funny, my dear?" Brian asked,"Is my hair really rocked by the hurricane?"

Roger laughed at Brian's question, playfully patting his hair. "No. Nothing is wrong. Shall we continue?"

Brian shrugged and went back down to kissing Roger. Brian rubbed Roger's sides again. This time, Roger tried to hold it in. But he kept squirming, and in the end, he couldn't hold in the giggle.

The kiss was broken again. And Brian sensed something. Whenever he moved his hands along his sides, he would always move and then crack a smile.

Brian didn't say anything and just stared at Roger's eyes, smiling slightly. Suddenly, he poked Roger's rib and his body jerked.

"You're ticklish, aren't you?" Brian said teasingly. Roger was about to oppose, but too late, Brian started his assault.

Brian scribbled his fingers lightly all over Roger's torso, making him squeal and his body convulsing.

"Stop!" Roger shouted through laughter. He tried to tickle back, but every time he tried to reach his arms, Brian would slide his hands up to tickle his armpits, which causes his arms to come back down.

Brian then used his mouth and blew raspberries on Roger's neck. His laugh went an octave higher. Probably even higher than when he sang "Galileo" in that song "Bohemian Rhapsody."

Brian then stopped when Roger went into silent laughter. Roger layed there exhausted, but with a smile plastered on his face.

"Fuck you, you fool," Roger said to Brian, giving him the middle finger. "I think I'm the one to fuck you," Brian said. Roger give up to fight back, because he needed to catch a few more breaths.

Brian laid back down beside Roger, who was breathing normally again. He put his hands behind his head and pursed his lips. "I think we should get up now," Brian said. Roger didn't want to, but he got a plan.

In a flash of a second, Roger was on top of Brian and he dugged his hands into his armpits. Brian's hands came down and his body jolted. He laughed loudly, and he tried to either escape or attack back, but he couldn't.

"Rog! Please!" Brian shouted through his laughs. "Please tickle you more? Sure," Roger teased and continued the assault.

Brian's face then turned red and his laughter fell silent. Roger stopped and clapped his hands twice like he did a good job.

"That's what you get for being a meany, BrIaN," Roger said, while he poked Brian's belly and ribs (AU: Sounds like a BBQ set meal. LOL) for each syllable. Brian could only laugh and jerk his body side to side.

This time, it was Brian who was exhausted and helpless on the bed, trying to regain his breath. Once he got his breath back, Roger pulled Brian up and they went downstairs.

"I guess we both know about each other today," Brian said.

"Yeah. We just knew how to make the other helpless," Roger replied, and poked Brian on the rib, which made him jerk his body to the side.

"Stop that, Rog," Brian said with a "serious" tone and face, but Roger continued to poke him once more. Then Roger ran forward, because he knew that Brian was going to take vengeance.

"Oh, you're so dead now," Brian warned Roger jokingly. "Only if you can catch me," Roger said with a smile. Then Brian started to chase Roger and he started to run away.

The house was filled with Roger screaming, Brian doing monster grunt noises, and the sound of their footsteps.

Brian got hold of Roger and pinned him to the couch, and without waiting and warning, he tickled the boy under him relentlessly.

"Brian!" was all Roger could get out through his laughs. He was thrashing about like a wild beast. "Aw, my little baby is very ticklish, isn't he?" Brian cooed.

He scribbled his fingers all over his torso, sometimes digging his fingers into his armpits.

Then Brian stopped abruptly, and got off of Roger. Roger was panting and tired. But he didn't want to get up and get Brian because he didn't want to end up like he was at that moment.

"Learned your lesson now to not ever challenge me?" Brian said with his arms crossed. "Yes... Brian... Now can you get me up?" Roger said, making grabbing-hands like a baby to Brian.

Brian couldn't keep his "serious" character for too long. Roger was too cute. "Alright, I'll get you up," Brian walked towards Roger while smiling. "OK, on the count to three. One, two, three!" Brian pulled Roger up and he fell right into Brian's arms.

Brian pecked the top of Roger's head, and they just stayed like that for a while. Until Roger's stomach grumbled.

"Is my baby hungry?" Brian said like a father to a newborn baby. "What does my baby want to eat?"

"Pancakes," Roger said honestly, still hugging Brian tightly.

"Baby, can you let me go? I need to be freed in order to go to the kitchen and make you some pancakes," Brian said. Roger, albeit unwillingly, let go of Brian, letting him go to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

Meanwhile, when Brian was in the kitchen. Roger went to the counter and wrote in his journal. Basically all the crazy things that happened in his life.

Just when he was done writing, Brian served a pancake onto the counter. The pancake on the top was decorated with chocolate chip eyes, and a whipped cream smile.

"Thank you, Bri," Roger said, smiling both at the dish and his boyfriend. He picked up his fork and tried the pancakes.

"How is it?" Brian asked. He always loved how Roger chews his food. To Brian, he always looks like a baby.

Roger smiled with his eyes, "This is so good!" Roger said with his mouth full. Brian chuckled, "I'm going to go grab some pancakes, too. I'll be right back."

Brian sat in front of Roger with some pancakes on his plate. His was decorated with some maple syrup and strawberries. They really had fun just staring at each other eating. There was once when Roger couldn't stop laughing after wiping some whipped cream on Brian's nose.

Roger then washed the dishes, and they both got ready for their date for today.

Roger held Brian's hand that he offered to him and Brian signaled to the door. "Shall we?"

Roger nodded happily and they both stepped out of the house.

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