1. Squat

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AN ~ This is my first story so if you have any advice for me I would really apreaciate it!! Enough from me, Enjoy!

It was a hot and sunny day in Arizona. If you walked by his house and looked through the window, you would see a middle school boy by the name of Jack Lopez sitting in the windowsill. You would see that he is a tall boy at 5'8ish and that he has brown hair and brown eyes. If you looked closely you would notice that he was reading a thick textbook titled "History for 7th Grade". 

Jack is an A student at Kayenta Middle School. He likes to play football, he likes to get A's, and he likes to hang out with his friends. Right now, he is really interested in the chapter they're studying in History. The Battle of the Alamo.

He finished his school reading for the day, and picked up his recreational reading, Harry Potter. He had read it a million times, but it just made him feel relaxed. He felt like he knew Harry, Ron, and Hermione. As if they were his best friends he knew for years.

He knew he had soccer practice in an hour but at this moment, all he wanted to do was read, and get sucked into the pages and imagine he lives in the pages of his favorite book.

Usually, an hour before practice he would be running around the house packing up his soccer gear, but his mom had done it for him today before he woke up. He made a mental note to thank her when she got home. Then he looked up to see what time it was, because practice starts at 7:00. "You're kidding me..." He muttered to himself. 6:45. He needed to get dressed NOW. So he put on his soccer practice clothes, grabbed his duffel, and hopped onto his bike, because now his watch read 6:55. 

He rode his bike the 10 minutes to the field and was a little late. Coach Asher spotted Jack pull up and jump off his bike. "Where were you Kid? You're late! Nevermind, just get out there and stretch. We'll start drills in 5 minutes." And he walked away over to a kid who was chatting instead of stretching. So Jack went over to his teammates to start stretching. He was putting himself into the mind-set of the game so he didn't realise that he had walked right over to the paranoid kid. Everyone called him Squat but Jack knew his name was Mark. 

"Hey Jack! Can you help me? I think someone followed me here!" Jack really didn't want to take his focus away from stretching, but he answered "Um okay. Do you know what they looked like?" Mark thought for a moment. "A little. I've seen them twice all together. They don't come out when I'm around other people. That's why I share a room with my little brother now." 

And then Mark resumed stretching. Jack thought the conversation was over, and he was very glad it was, because he had barely stretched at all. The Coach came over and told them time was up and gave them the regular pep talk.

"This is the year boys! If we work hard we can be this year's undefeated team!" Then practice went on.

**** Now we skip to after practice @ 8:00***

AN- If it turns out people like this story, I'll post the next chapter!!!

Death Within the Shower ~~ by SweetLex07Where stories live. Discover now