That fateful day

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First person point of view, your point of view, the reader's point of view, the character's point of view, the main character's point of view.

I woke up, rubbing out the crust between my eyelids with my 5 feet fingers that are super skinny, and are extremely pale even though I have green alien skin. 

Ugh, yesterday had been a rough one. I shall not elaborate further as I will do that when it hits the climax of the story which is when I will be the most emotionally distressed, I am just merely foreshadowing this right now. I sat up on my bed groaning, the covers spilling off of me, I looked over to my alarm.

Inner monologue coming up! 

*Le shootith! I was LATE to school, this has NEVER happened to ANYONE before in the history of all books and now I'm going to time skip myself to school and add some unnecesary and overused action!!* 

(Author note: I'm sorry plz forgive me reader. Reader: NO NOO NAON ONAO NODSSN ONOAN. Author: understood, have a nice day, I will continue to bother you during the story because I literally don't know what else to do and I need to find more ways to insert myself into this story without this being called a Me x yandere becuase im desperately lonely).

I sprinted downstairs, stopping in the bathroom to take a look at myself in the mirror. I had beautiful, cascading puke green hair that looked and felt like sandpaper, sandpaper that was brushing against my skin every moment and slowly scraping away my flesh. My hair was split into two sections, I called it the short section and the long section, because one section was just two inches above my eye ball which was fifteen centimeters below my luscious lips. And the other section was long enough to reach the floor which was ten feet beneath my feet. 

One the other hand, my acne had been acting up again (Author's note: Off topic but how do you get acne off of your back? Bing won't tell me anything.) And by acting up, I mean there was one single pimple on my pinkie finger. One small, rotund pimple. 

Okay anyway, enough admiring my beauty for fifteen minutes, I need to go to school ASAP.

I rushed out of the bathroom and I threw open the fridge door, quickly scanning its contents. I grabbed whatever looked edible and shoved it into my food hole, I do not need friends, I don't need friends I have my food. People just aren't good enough for me, ~my standards are reasonably placed and yet they fail to meet them. Although, there are some people that prefer their alone time and are more introverted, I am not one of them, I just hate you guys, people are poison.

I power walk to school.


K, so I arrived to school and I was gracefully walking down the hallway when I stumbled into a boy. He was devilishly handsome, he had beautiful green, silver, and blue eyes and curly brown hair. His face was sprinkled with freckles and he was obviously the tallest man in the world. His eyes reflected the universe.

*blushes* "Teehee, am sorry, everyone is poison but not you or me." I looked down to my feet to cover my blush that spread to the tips of my mohawk while simulataneously brushing back a singular hair strand. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2021 ⏰

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