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I hum with the elevator as it takes me to my boyfriend's apartment. Every week I bring him delicious treats that I bake. Today I made cupcakes, and I cannot wait to see the look of joy on his face when I hand him the sweets. I was in the hospial for a small period of time so I, unfortunately, could not bring him anything. But now I am out and I get to do this again.

The elevator brings me to his floor and I smile widely. I'm going to be reunited with my love! I step out of the elevator and make my way towards his apartment. I arrive at my destination and knock gently on the door. I wait but there's no answer. I tilt my head in confusion and knock again, this time louder. Still, there's no answer. I retrieve a spare key from my purse and unlock the door.

I step inside and remove my shoes from my feet. I walk to the small kitchen and set down the wonderfully baked cupcakes onto the counter. I hear a noise that suspiciously sounds like groaning. Oh no, someone must have broken in and hurt my love! I grab a kitchen knife from the drawer filled with utensils and creep towards the master bedroom. I hear more groaning, this time sounding female. I open the door and gape at the horrendous scene before me.

On the bed lays a woman as nude as the day she was born. Next to her was the man of my dreams, also naked, partaking in some, sweaty, activity. He must be confused, for that girl is not me and he only loves me. The pair isn't stopping and is changng positions. While they were doing this, I spotted a silver band on both of their left hands. At this site I become enraged.

"Honey, that whore you are having sex with is not me. Now, I suggest you two move away from each other before things get messy."

Their heads snap toward me and I give an innocent, sickeningly sweet smile. My love's face is covered in shock and disbelief. The tramp looks horrified. I start, slowly, edging my way to her side of the bed.

"Y-you! You were supposed to be locked up in that nut house! Don't come anywhere near me nor my wife, you crazy stalker!" The word wife is what breaks me. I leap at the woman and slice her throat from one side to the other. I take her ring and slip it on my finger.

"I am your wife. Now, I love you, darling. Tell me you love me." Tears are streaming down his face as he looks at the corpse laying next to him. His facial expression then turns to anger.

"Never." Without thinking clearly, I take the knife and plunge it into his heart. How dare he? After everything I have done for him. He should treat me with gratitude and not disgust. I sigh and calm down. Then the realization of what I have done settles over me. I killed the only man I have ever loved. The only thing that made me smile was dead. For the last time, I hold the knife and stab myself in the chest. A world without him is a world not worth living in.

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