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3rd POV
A young female, the age of 20, was thrown to the ground hard, covered in bruises and cuts as she coughed. She began to crawl away, one arm after another as pain ran through her entire body. A claw then went down on her back, letting off a loud crack as she screamed out in pain.
?????: oh now that looks like it hurts.
It was a male's voice, he kicked the female over on her back as she breathed heavily.
?????: now I will ask you again.....where is she?
Female: I don't know who you are talking about!
?????: the considered princess of the monsters.
Female: I don't know who it is!
?????: a woman should never be able to turn into a kaiju like that. It was always a carrier, but there's been a change in the wind. The one from the stars will be here soon. Now....where is she?
The female shut her eyes tight as a tear escaped from her eyes.
Female: I don't know!
The man sighed before stepping away and wiping his face. Annoyance shrouded his entire body before his eyes began glowing, much like Godzilla's before fading.
??????:'re useless.
His eyes glowed again as electricity began to surge through his body and began to wrap around his body.
?????: but the supposed king will be found soon enough.
He aimed his hand at the female as the electricity rode up his arm before firing off a laser, it was quick but powerful, it made contact with her body and within seconds the room filled with debris and dust. The blue eyes shined through the dust and smoke as he walked through the room and left. The wounds on his knuckles began to heal, obvious that he punched the victim a lot during the torture.
A horse carriage waited outside the building with two other men waiting.
Henchman: how'd it go boss?
?????: another dead end.
Henchman: whats the plan now?
?????: find someone else who could possibly know about this. I need to find my niece. Two different Godzilla's is something that should never happen.
Henchman: but sir.....aren't you one too?
?????: it's a curse....that I wish could leave. Let's get out of here.
They all piled on to the horse carriage and rode off.


A young child ran through the courtyard, chasing after a Mahva. Phosphora leaned against a tree looking at the little girl running, her arms out to the side.
Phosphora: be careful not to fall!
?????: yes Aunt Phosphora! Oh wait.
She then ran over to Phosphora and sat down.
Phosphora: can I help you with something?
?????: where did you say Daddy was again?
Phosphora: you asked me three times already.
?????: please....I like hearing about him.
Phosphora: well......he is.....boxing.


Godzilla bit down on one of the Kaiju beneath the ocean as the two spun. The Kaiju was another one of those big creatures when Pit first saw Godzilla. Godzilla managed to bring the titan beneath the water, the two continuing to duke it out. During the fight Palutena laid on a towel on the beach, relaxing as Y/N did his work. The two titans then shot up from the water as they continued fighting.
Palutena flipped her her sunglasses and smirked.
Palutena: still going at it...never did do well with bugs.
Godzilla roared out as its dorsal played lit up and quickly blasted the massive creature, though it was a weakened blast thanks to the EMP that it lets off. The titan roared out in pain before Godzilla tackled it again and put it to the ground, quickly following its attack by crushing its head into a paste with its massive foot. The blood splattered up and landed everywhere besides where Palutena was.
She then sat up and turned to see Godzilla shrinking, turning back into
Y/N: well that sucked.
Palutena: still did well babe.
Y/N: I'll take that.

Goddess of Destruction (Godzilla Shifter X Palutena Finale) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now