I Need You Baby

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Joong feels very nervous knowing it's only two entries before his and Nai still has not arrived. He has been on the full extent of his anxiety ever since his professor told the class they were having a short film exhibition, and they had to do good since everyone's video will be featured. Every single one. So they need to do good or it would be 1 and 1/2 years left of humiliation and no more chance of doing good in the real world.

Well not really, but he is nervous dammit and he has every right to overthink.

Especially when only the bully and the tease from his circle is present and his only decent and mature (read, beautiful) Phi is still missing.

"Joong, he'll come. He said he will." Pavel squeezes his shoulder, but due to his nerves, and the strength his friend possessed but have totally forgotten, he felt his arm go numb.

"What? Who are you talking about?" He denies.

"Umm Nine? We ain't stupid bro. We know you're waiting for him. I mean we all are cause he's the only one still not here. Why are you getting defensive?" He can hear the malice in his friend's words even if his words seem innocent.

Innocent my ass. He's the biggest tease.

"Whatever. I'm just nervous about my turn. Why did I get last entry anyway? My mind is in agony and I'm about to go into cardiac arrest or something. I am not made for this." Pulling his hair out and thumping his chest dramatically.

He hears a snort.

"Besides," Starts Ben. On his right where his arms are perched over the shoulders of Earth. At least Earth is here, He can slap some sense to Ben.

"Isn't it better if P'Nine doesn't see your video? Do you really wanna embarrass yourself in front of your crush?" finishes Earth.

Or not. Maybe he'll hurl him in first. Then Ben, then Pavel so they won't be able to stand up cause Pavel will be dead weight. Maybe if Dome could've come he will throw him on Pavel so he doesn't stand up and grope his boyfriend instead. At least it's one less headache.

He needs new friends.

"Hey. You'll be fine. You're one of the best in school and you know it. You got the last entry because your professor assigned you to last entry. Because your film is good."

He takes it back. He loves his friends. They are supportive, appreciative, kind, thoughtful

"So calm down. Enjoy the videos and wait for your boyfriend to arrive. He'll come with food I'm sure"

Okay, maybe he doesn't. If only he could get them to shut up about Nine being his boyfriend. They would be great friends.

Joong was about to show a smirking Pavel, a snickering Ben, and a grinning Earth exactly what he will do and show them a piece of him when it cued that the next entry will be starting soon.

He can see the familiar opening credits and his anxiety went up from 50 to 1000.

"Why didn't we notice that two entries are over? What have I been doing?" Joong said face full of confusion.

Earth perked up and said. "It worked. You got too distracted, you didn't notice it was already your turn. Now shut up and let's watch."

Joong made a little smile. Yeah, he has great friends.

Joong felt a little proud of himself, seeing something he made and poured hard work in, on a big screen. He felt like he can actually do something in the real world. He heard and felt a loud pat on his shoulder and saw Ben's proud smile. He nods and looks back on the screen.

If it's quite alright, I love you babyWhere stories live. Discover now