-Burger wrapper-

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He has a lot of words that he hated. Ironically, hate is also included.

Some words just make him uneasy to say. It's unnecessary and he avoids saying those words every time he gets a chance.

Liar, fat, stubborn, stupid, idiot, hate, shut up, and... Ugly.

It's just... Ew.

You might think it is because he frequently keeps hearing those words. And you're right. You're very right.

It pains him whenever they shoved those words down his throat. He wanted them to stop.

Can't they see that he was humiliated? He should have asked them to stop before it comes to this. This... This far.

Oh boy, he wanted to vomit.

"About time you arrived, Ame," Britain said with a scoff, rolling his eyes.

"Booo, you're no fun, Iggy!" the blond huffed crossing his arms together.

"You bloody idiot! I said don't-"

"That enough, England." the german pause and look at him. "Shut up and take your seat, America.".

He flinches at the words but covers it up with a fake cough and makes his way to his usual seat between the top hat Britain and the Frenchman.

"Still with the burger, Meri?" France asked. Well, more like taunted.

He laughs it off while trying to cover the wrapper up in his bag.

God, was he embarrassed.

He licked his lips anxiously as he tried to pay attention to what the Germanian is addressing.

The topic was climate change. Again. He's counted a total of three days in a row with the same topic. Don't they got bored with this?

Seem like he wasn't the only one thinking like that cause a certain Chinese soon open his mouth.

"Aruu, we talked about that for so long. Why don't you change the subject for once, ayoo," he confessed furrowing his eyebrow annoyedly.

"Well, we can't. I still haven't heard any suggestions from half of you because of that blond fool." Germany said annoyedly while pointing his finger toward said 'blond fool'.

He shamefully pushed his sunglasses up with his finger. God, he wanted to leave.

He was stupid anyway. Alien? Conspiracy theory? Stupid. Everything he said is stupid.

They just looked so gloomy so he thought that his make-believes suggestion would help cheer the room up. How stupid of him to ever think that.

He tried to pay attention to what the others are suggesting. Really, he tried so hard.

He knew that they would glare at him if he didn't do anything throughout the meeting so he started writing down every useful proposal the others suggested. Halfway through and he already feels uneasy.

He's nervous. That's what he is. They prove so many good points and gave the best suggestion and him? What did he do to help? Nothing.

He wastes their time with his blabbering. He felt worthless. Really, really worthless.

"Alright!" he jumped when someone clapped their hand loudly as he turns his head to the person.

"I'm surprised you haven't yelled out your ridiculous theories this time, America." he smirks as he continues talking, "Let's take a break for a while. Come back in 30 minutes.".

And just like that, he was left alone in the meeting room. He felt his chest became heavy as he grips the strap from his bag as his life depends on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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