Imagine #1: Tate Langdon (first kiss)

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"Do you have to go?" Looking into your Mother's glistening blue eyes, you wished that she wouldn't do this to you. You don't deserve it.

"(Y/N), what else am I supposed to do? I have a business trip, you can't come with me, and Ben is the only person I can trust to watch over you."

This was bullshit. The only reason your Mom wanted to make you stay at Dr. Harmon's place was because she knew he was a therapist. You had told her about your dreams earlier that week, she had checked your wrists and had seen the lacerations that went up and down the length of both arms.

"Don't lie to me. After Dad shooting himself because of you, this isn't fair. I'm not a little girl that you can lie to and get away with anymore." You stared at her with all of the rage You could possible muster. What you said may seem harsh, but it was the truth.

"We're not doing this right now. We're here." Rolling your (Y/C) eyes, you turned to look at the most amazing house that you had ever laid your eyes on.

Slowly putting one Black Converse out of the side of the silver Prius that you once rode in, you stood up and grabbed your khaki sling backpack.

"Bye (Y/N), see you in a couple of weeks!" You slammed the door to the car, and headed to the front door.

You stood there a second, anxiety slowly starting to build in the pit of your stomach, but you slowly knocked on the door.

There's a muffled "Excuse me", before the familiar face of Ben Harmon answered the door. A white smile made its way to his bearded face "(Y/N)! Come in." He walked to the opening of his office, you followed and shut the door. "I have a patient right now, so if you could go-" he was cut off by a blonde haired boy whom was now standing at the opening of his office.

"She can stay." He smiled, showing the cutest dimples. You looked down at your shoes. "Only if you're sure, Tate." The boy nodded while eying you. "My mom I think actually wanted me to see you anyways, so I could probably share some things as well." Looking at Ben, he nodded "Yeah, she told me about somethings."

"Well, lets get started." Tate opened the office door more, so that the two of you could walk through. He then sat down on the couch, and tapped a spot so that you could sit next to him. You smiled weakly, but sat there.

"Hi, Im Tate." He extended a pale hand towards you. "Hi, Im (Y/N)." You were nervous about this, what if he thought you were crazy? He was cute, you didn't want to ruin your chances already.

"Hey Tate." You looked at the couch and gripped it. "I'm pretty fucked up, so please don't judge me for some of the things I say." Your (Y/C) eyes looked at his dark brown one's and he smiled. "I wasn't going to anyway, you're cool."

Smiling, Ben sat down. "So, Tate you were saying.." Tate folded his hands, " I kill people I like. Some of them beg for their life, I don't feel sad, I don't feel anything. It' a filthy goddamn helpless world and honestly I feel like Im helping to take them away from the shit and the piss and the vomit that run in the streets."

The conversation continued, when you realized he was just as fucked up as you were, and you really, really liked that. "(Y/N)...?" Ben was staring at you, "sorry, I do that a lot, sorry." He giggled, as did Tate "I said, it's your turn. Have you ever self harmed." He now had a pen and paper to take notes with. "Damn it.." You whispered to yourself, and slid the light purple jacket off to reveal the cuts on your arms, then you pulled up your baggy black shirt to show the ones that covered your stomach.

"Well I will say that, that is an impressive amount of cuts. But why?" You saw Tate in the corner of your eye look at you, waiting for a response "Because I hate me. But, then again why wouldn't I, everyone else hates me too." Ben shook his head, "Well, I don't hate you, and neither does Tate." Tate nodded in reassurance, "You two have never been around me that much."

"Well, yes, but I swear I could never hate you, your mother told me about some dreams...." You rolled your eyes "yeah"
Ben stared at you observantly "Would you mind explaining them?" You shook your head.

"It's always the same. I walk in on my Mom screwing a boy with black hair. A boy about my age. She screams when I find out, she runs to grab her teal gown, but before she can get to it, I have already shot her in the head with a shotgun."

Ben nods, "Has she ever done anything that's made you mad?"

You laughing, looking up at the white ceiling "She made my Dad commit suicide. I know she did, she cheated. She is a slut." Ben looked at you, "Well, you need to get settled in, so I think we will end it today." Standing up, you grabbed your back pack that was on the floor. "Doctor Harmon, could (Y/N) and I talk? I have some words of advice." Ben nodded and walked to the kitchen.

Tate grabbed your arms and looked at them still left revealed. "You are the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. Stop doing this, for me? I can relate to you alot, this might seem forward but..." Tate then leaned over, and placed his light pink lips on yours. Movingly them slowly. The kiss seemed to last for hours, before he broke it apart. "I will try to stop." You smiled "Good. By the way, was that your first?"

Sheepishly, you nodded "that obvious?"
He smiled again, "No, it was just so innocent, and beautiful."
You giggled "Tate, I think I love you. I know it's really soon but I do."

He put a finger on your chin and pulled you in for a final kiss "(Y/N), I know I love you."

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