
3.4K 175 65

" It's still not down. Are you sure you're resting?," Kiyoko paused, placing the thermometer back in the kit, " You're not sneaking out, aren't you?"

" Of course not, Kiyoko-san. It's probably because " Atsumu kept me up all night, " It's probably normal. I'll rest for a while." Shoyo said, a small smile forming on his lips, but behind those, he's mentally screaming at Atsumu. Now, there's a possibility that he can't play for the rest of the week if this continues.

" Alright then. You can at least move, right? You can walk? If you know what I mean." Kiyoko asked, her voice mixed with a little tease. Shoyo blushed at the thought and covered his face with the comforter,

" O-Of course I can walk! Y-Y-You don't have to ask it like that, Kiyoko-san." Shoyo pouted, which the two yuri couple find it cute.

" Well then, let's go. It's already lunch time and the others are probably awake by now." Kiyoko said, standing up, taking the small container with the wet towel with her. Yachi help Shoyo take the comforter off him so he can get out easily.

It's Thursday today and the coaches agreed to let the players rest for the day. Walking in the hallway, they saw Inarizaki's team walking ahead of them.

Noticing some footsteps from behind, Aran turn his head, only to see someone and something that made him turn his head back in front. Kita noticed this and asked the boy, " Ojiro, are you okay?"

Aran didn't know how to answer so instead, he pointed his thumb to the back, behind them. The others noticed his gesture and turn behind,

" Hinata-kun, are you sure you're not cold?" Yachi asked, walking at the left beside Shoyo while Kiyoko at the right side.

" It's unusually hot right now, and I don't think I can afford wearing long-sleeves." Shoyo said.

The someone, name Shoyo is wearing something, a very very short cycling shorts and a big yet thin fabric tshirt.

I don't know if I should be glad or what, but he's —- Damn he's hot. Suna said in his mind, scanning the ginger from head to toe.

Sugawara and Daichi's lucky to have a ho—cute son-figure. Yeah. Ho—cute. Cute. Kita said, waving at the ginger who waved back with a small smile.

Hot. Osamu, who's walking up to the ginge, thought.

" How are you feeling, Shoyo-kun?" Osamu asked.

" A bit better, I guess. At least I can walk more steady now." Your twin literally destroyed me. Shoyo sweat-dropped at the thought of last last night.

The team and the three Karasuno members walk together to the dining hall, meeting some of the other team players on their way to the hall.

" Hinata~!" As soon as the ginger enter the dining hall, Sugawara quickly ran up to him, " How are you feeling?" He asked.

" A bit better. But I'm sweating a lot. It's really hot in here." Shoyo replied.

" Eh? Are you sure?" Sugawara asked, not believing in what the sunshine said. Shoyo shift his gaze to him, sweat-dropping when he saw most of them freezing and shivering.

" Y-Yeah—-

" Sugawara-senpai!" A high-pitched voice rang, making their heads turn to where the voice came from, " Tsk."

Shoyo turn his head back again to Sugawara, who looked a bit pissed off but he put on a small smile when an unfamiliar girl came running to them, " Sugawara-senpai!"

" H-Hey, Hyori-san." Sugawara said. Shoyo's head turn back again to the newcomer. She has dark red hair, gold eyes, and a bit taller than Shoyo. Probably the same height as Noya?

[ remember that Noya is taller than Shoyo in this Fanfic. A few inches taller by what I mean taller. ]

" Ara~ You must be Hinata Shoyo the others have been talking about." The said girl, Hyori, said to the ginger.

" Uh yes I am Hinata Shoyo. And you are . . . "

" Ah right! My name's Hyori. Hanato Hyori!" She said, offering a hand shake.

Hanato Hyori . . . . Hanato . . . Have I heard that name before? Shoyo thought, but instead of thinking about it, he shook her hand. Since he's still sick, his body is still weak and he can feel pain even with a simple bump. And that, he winced when he felt Hyori squeezing his hand firmly. Very firm.

" It's nice to finally meet you, Shoyo-senpai."

To be continued . . .

I am ✨in tears✨ when I saw the votes of this fanfic story. Like— THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE 1K VOTES!!!!! and I am really guilty for not making this chapter a bit longer. I AM SO SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER!!


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