~Love At First Sight~

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Rose woke up grabbed her clothes after she laid in bed not wanting to get up this early to leave for Hogwarts. She got her black skirt and white shirt on. She grabbed her robe and packed her stuff on the little thing they use to wheel all their stuff and heads to the platform 9 ¾. She was excited, and she got on the train and looked for a seat but all that was open was a seat full of returning 2 years. One girl caught Rose's eye. Rose stops at their seating area and asks "can I sit here? There are no open seats left..." she asked with this smile that just lit up the whole room. That one girl that had caught Rose's eye earlier spoke up "yeah. sure" she sat down and fixed her skirt. The girl asked "so what's your name, new kid? I'm Alexis by the way and this is rowan and heather" They wave and smile and rose smiles a grin that shows how happy she is "I'm rose! It's nice to meet all of you" Alexis looked away and blushed some and her friends knew what was up and gave Alexis that look of oooh someone has a crush. Alexis brushed their looks off and Heather pipped up "so rose you muggle-born or what?" rose looks up from fixing her sleeve "well my dad and mom went here so I'm a pureblood. My mom was a Hufflepuff and my dad was a Slytherin." Heather smiles "that's amazing" the train comes to a halt and the girls all stand up and put their robes on and walk out of the train meeting up with all the other kids. Alexis stops turns to rose "bye rose, I hope to see you around" she winks and turns around and walks to the year twos. "yeah same goes for you!" she smiled and got that butterfly feeling and she giggled and walked to the year ones and they all followed Hagrid and got on their boats to go to Hogwarts castle. They held their lanterns and stepped out of their boats. Rose still had that funny feeling and was still thinking of how Alexis winked at her. Alexis, on the other hand, couldn't stop talking about how adorable rose was and heather and rowan laughed and pushed Alexis along as she swooned. "we know Alexis, she's adorable you said this a million times" heather says as they sit down in the dining hall and all the year ones walk in and the sorting begins. McGonagall calls out names and she gets to rose "ROSE SMITH" she yells and rose walks up there and sits down. The sorting hate does its thing. "hmm...HUFFLEPUFF" she giggles and sort of speed walks over to Hufflepuffs table and they all give her a warm welcome and Alexis watched her walk off and noticed every detail about her and swooned again. Heather and rowan noticed their friend who never showed emotion swooning again and they laughed some "Woah never seen you this happy before" rowan chimed in and Alexis snaps back "how can you not be happy when you see her, she's a ray of sunshine" rowan laughed and Alexis snapped out of it and went back to her old self. Alexis did exchange glances over at rose who was giggling and making friends with fellow Hufflepuffs. It made Alexis smile seeing how happy Rose was. Rose did think about the wink quite often during the sorting of the rest of the kids but then just got to happy-making friends she forgot to think about it. 

Word count: 608 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2020 ⏰

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