The treasure of the town

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There was once a well liked and respected couple who lived in a small remote town. They loved each other so much. The woman beared a child, the child was their magnum opus, their master piece and you could say he acted like one, he loved attention. The shower of praise from his parents and the praise from the townsmen, but he still sought more and more attention, feeling a sense of power, a rush of euphoria from the gasping praise, so he devised a plan, to do a stunt, you could say, he would create a song so beautiful, "the townsmen will be amazed and shower me with a flood of praise" He said, and what he planned went perfectly, but alas he thought "I have to do something, something grand! No grander!" Thinking that he would have to do increasingly better and better to gain more attention but his ego went unchecked his parents still supporting him, he ridiculed all the people that didn't pay attention to him and the townsmen stopped giving him too much praise just to keep him in check, but he persevered and countinued from a crazy stunt to another and finally he would do something so grand and dangerous "the townspeople cant ignore this!" He said and so he did the stunt so enamoured with the amount of praise he would get, he didn't notice nobody was watching, he failed and was heavily wounded, he shouted for help only to see he was all alone, he crawled and crawled until he could no more, he was in a forest where he stopped, all of the trees so uniform and boring "pathetic" he thought "how could I die here!?!" He shouted and with his last breath he lays on the floor and no matter how his parents tried to find him they could not and now where the child layed there grows a tree, a tree tall and glamarous that it was turned into the treasure of the town, Now it stays there as the towns main attraction.

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