Atsushi's eyelashes fluttered, and he came to his consciousness, realizing he still hadn't fallen asleep. He groaned exhaustively, and reached out to his bedside table for his phone.
1:44am. He read, letting his head collapse back onto his pillow.
The silver-haired boy wasn't in the mood to try to fall asleep again, and he flicked through his social media. He smiled when he looked at the picture of him and the rest of the Armed Detective Agency at their local cafe. They all had affectionate, happy smiles spread on their faces. Even Kunikida - who barely seemed as if he had a heart at all sometimes. Suddenly, he heard someone or something hit the floor in the room next to where he was.
I guess I'll go check it's not like I have anything better to do. Apart from sleep; but still. Atsushi thought, rolling his eyes as he stood up.
He crept over, the sounds continuing on the other side of the door. His hands shook as he grabbed the handle, and slowly pushed it down. It opened, and there was someone standing in his narrow hallway. Dazai Osamu, his mentor. He stood dead when he noticed the door opening. His golden-brown eyes quivered round to meet his subordinates. There was an awkward silence - neither moved, or said a word. The younger male stared blankly at him, before furrowing his eyebrows and resuming opening the door.
"What on earth are you doing?" The man-tiger asked quietly, not breaking his suspicious glare.
"Um...getting something to eat..?" Dazai replied awkwardly.
Atsushi shook his head, waving his hand dismissively. But the older brunette didn't leave, and the younger male lifted his eyebrow.
"I may have locked myself out of my apartment," He admitted, shuffling his feet, "Can I stay here for the night?"
His subordinate just stared at him with his mesmerizing purple-yellow eyes, and pursed his lips. After a few silent moments, he cursed under his breath, and sighed.
"Fine. Only if you buy me lunch tomorrow." The man-tiger replied, planting his face in his palm.
Dazai was shifting into a comfortable position on Atsushi's couch, and closed his eyes. But as the silver-haired boy flicked the lights of to the small living room, he noticed something. His superior looked so peaceful and calm compared to his normal proud, hyper self. He stared at him with affection, before leaving the room, and closing the door behind him.
"Goodnight; sweet dreams..."
Hello lovelies~ This is my first ever story and first ever fanfiction, so I am open to criticism in my work. This is short at 434 words, and I want to hear from you guys whether I should continue. I will check daily for help and suggestions, so don't fret that you are to late. Baiii~~ <3
- dxrkstrxxm or Ezra
candlelight | dazatsu
DragosteAtsushi Nakajima is woken by a strange noise in the night. First fanfic, so it's short but enjoy~ <3