13th Chapter

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13th Chapter

ZHAN WOKE UP with the noise of his surroundings. He slowly opens his eyes. He panicked a little when he saw the white ceiling but immediately calm down as he remembers what happened earlier.

"Zhan? Are you awake? Are you still hurt?" Yibo asked using his concerned voice.

He looked at him and shakes his head, "N-Nah. I'm good but I'm t-thristy," he muttered with his weak voice.

Haikuan rushed to get him a bottle of water and throws it to Yibo. Xueyang helped him to sit down then Yibo helped him to drink his water.

"W-What happened?" He asked Yibo

Yibo sighed, "when we reached my car. You already passed out." He explained

"Did the doctor examine me already?" He asked

They nodded, "Yeah. The doctor said we should wait. He'll be back when you woke up," Xueyang answered.

He nodded and leaned his back on the bed while Yibo stays beside him while holding his hand tightly.

Just a couple of minutes, after Xingchen, called the doctor. Someone knocked on the door and Atticus opens it.

The doctor walked inside holding some papers. Zhan doesn't know but his heart starts beating fast making him nervous as hell. What if he has a critical disease? Fuck.

He smiled at them before looking at him, "How are you, Zhan? Does your stomach still hurt? How about your head? Are you still dizzy or do you feel sick?" He asked

Zhan smiled, "No. I'm good. I just feel a little dizzy but I can handle it," he answered.

The doctor smiled at him again, "As a result out, luckily you are immediately rushed here. They say that you rode some extreme ride and that's the cause of your bleeding." He explained

"It'll be dangerous for you and your baby so please be extra careful from now on. The baby's grip is a little weak—"

W-What? B-Baby? What the fuck?

"W-Wait a second, doc. W-What baby are you talking about?" He asked getting nervous

His grip on Yibo's hand becomes tighter every second pass by.

The doctor looks at him with confusion, "You're a male omega right?" He asked trying to clear something.

He slowly nods his head. "Then that means you can carry a baby if you had sexual intercourse with an alpha." He explained, "Mr. Xiao Zhan, you're 3 weeks pregnant. I thought you know," he uttered making his world shattered into pieces.

Everything went slow. The movements around the small room become slow. Even their voices, he can't clearly hear them. All he can hear is his heartbeat that pounding like crazy.

Zhan slowly looked at Yibo and it breaks his heart to see how his face disagrees with the sudden announcement of the doctor about his pregnancy.


A lone tear escaped his eyes but he immediately wiped it away when Yibo's friends looked at him. He looked at the doctor and try his best to smile at him, "T-Thank you, doc." He mumbled

He signals Laurent to guide the doctor out of his room after he gave him a small paper.

A long silence eats them while he quietly cries on his spot. It feels like a bucket of ice water was thrown at him when he heard that he is pregnant.

He knows that Yibo will never accept this. Fuck it and it hurts him to hell.

Suddenly, Haikuan spoke. "What will you do now, Yibo?" He asked his brother, "you got Zhan pregnant." He added

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