Chapter 1

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"Yasmin! You're getting late for school, hurry up!"

I opened my eyes to the shrieks of my mother, something I did not miss from before the summer holidays. It was my second year of college and my first day back and I was not looking forward to it. My best friend Lexi had destroyed my phone spamming messages about how I was going to be late again, so I dragged myself out of bed. After finishing in the bathroom, contemplating on what to do with my appearance.

"Lily, get my makeup brush out your mouth please?"

My 4 year old sister stared at me, gurgling and babbling, ignoring everything I said. A fun fact - we looked completely different. She had these bright blue eyes, which stood out on her face and two dimples appearing on her face when she laughed. The only thing we shared was the tiny, dark freckles that lied across the tops of our pink cheeks. 'Chocolate sprinkles' as my mom liked to call it. I grabbed my makeup brush, leaving her to crawl to my bed and continued my light makeup routine. I glanced at the time on my phone; it read 8:27.

It was an half an hour walk to school and my first class was Biology, which started at 9am. I left my wavy hair the way it was, although I preferred it straight, slipped into some casual jeans and walked out the door, mentally preparing myself for the day ahead. 8:41. She still wasn't here. I decided to wait another five minutes and then walk off without her. My best friend, Lexi Summers, has been my best friend ever since we had been born. Literally. Our parents were also friends and gave birth on the same day, same hospital with only an hour apart. And ever since then, we've been together through everything - primary, secondary and now college.

8:46. I glanced around one last time before I started making my way and that's when I saw her. Her blonde hair lied perfectly around her delicate features and she had a huge smile on her face. Easily one of the prettiest girls in school. She was one of those girls that every boy dreamed to be with, regardless of whether she liked them back or not. Her popularity was always quite high and her personality made it easy to make friends easily - she was friends with practically everyone in the college, older and younger.

"Yasmin! I've missed you so much! How's Josh?"

"He's okay. He's still upset about the fact that he couldn't be here with me on the first day though."

Lexi scoffed. "That boy needs to get a grip. I would pay not to be in school right now. He's lucky he has a basketball match today."

A smile appeared on my face." Just leave him alone. He's just too obsessed with me, what can I say?" I dramatically slapped my hands through my hair to show how beautiful I am.

We continued walking through the rain to school and pushed the front door. Lexi pulled me in for a quick hug and slipped away into her first class while I carried on walking to Biology. Opening the front door, I smiled at a few familiar faces and made my way to the seat I was allocated. Yasmin Andrews. There was a knock at the front door; once, twice and then three times. And that's when I saw him, standing silently in front of the classroom door. My childhood sweetheart. The same hazel eyes, the same smile and the same dimple that occasionally appeared on his left cheek. I hadn't seen him since our parents argument and now here he was, 10 years later, allocated to the seat next to me. The teacher shook his hand and introduced him to the class.

"Miss Andrews, please make room for Zack Anderson."

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