Part One

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Blue and Fell had been dating for a while now, almost 3 years and Fell had been going through some rough things with his brother..

Fell's brother ignoring him and completely shutting him out of his life.

Blue tried to help Fell through this time and Fell often pushed Blue away, Causing Blue to worry.

*   *   *

Blue was currently in the kitchen, makng some breakfast and humming to herself.

Fell was in the bedroom asleep, though Blue thought he was asleep..

Fell was awake and sitting on the bed, thoughts just runing in and out of his head as he just sat there..

Fell then sighed and got up, stretching as he yawned.

once he got dressed, he being shirtless before hand, he headed down stairs, following the smell of food.

Fell walks up behind Blue and hugs her, Blue smiling and looking back at him.

"Good morning sleepy bones"

Blue said with a soft tone, the same tone she had been using with him since his brother left.

Fell smiled softly at her and laid his head on her shoulder.


Fell had his normal lazy deeper tone, his voice almost never changed.

"So how are you feeling today?"

"'m fine.. nothins different.. i guess i feel a bit more tired than usual but i get that way some times.."

Blue nods softly and makes his plate.

"Well maybe youll feel a bit better after you eat, i made your favorite chocolate chip pancakes! just for you!"

Fell smiles at Blue's cheery tone, taking his plate and going to sit at the table.

Blue made her plate and sat at the table beside him, starting to eat soon after she saw that Fell was eating.

Fell actually eating made Blue very happy since he hadnt really eaten anything for the past week..

Fell ate everything but the eggs, Fell putting his eggs on Blue's plate.

This caused Blue to giggle softly and she just ate his eggs with out complaints, at least Fell ate quite a bit.

This also made Blue very happy, seeing that Fell was getting better.

Blue hoped he would talk a bit more and also eat more.

*   *   *

Fell was sitting on the couch with Blue, watching a show while blue cuddled him, this being their cuddle hour.

Sometimes the cuddle hour would last much longer than an hour but that depended on how tired Blue or Fell was.

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