Slendy's truck

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Hi guys!so I'm new to writing fanfics so please forgive me for my sauciness

I decided to write a Jeff x BEN smut one shot and if people like this I'm gonna make more

but until then enjoy this one!

Jeff's P.O.V

Hey motherfucker, the name's Jeffrey Woods...well, was; but now I'm more commonly know as Jeff the killer, but you probably knew that already. 

As you know, I'm a Creepypasta, and I live in the Slender mansion.

And believe me, it's not comfortable to deal with the assholes that live there along with me

Oh, who are they you ask? Well, they are the poor excuses of a killer, fucking assholes! The Eyeless Brick, the Green-hatted asshole, the Laughing pedophile clown, the two masked freaks that love cheesecake and, of course, the Slenderman himself. 

So number one on my list is an little annoying green fucker, more commonly known as BEN Drowned.

Man this perverted elf is the  WORST! He constantly plays pranks on me, not to mention

his screaming while he plays call of duty or whatever he plays in the middle of the motherfucking night! What kind of person does that shit?

I don't know how Slender still allows him to stay in the house.

Though he is not that bad sometimes, the only enjoyable moments with him are either when we are high or when we get drunk and play video games all night.


'Man I'm bored, I don't have anything to do'

I already pranked the shit out of Jeff, played around Clever Bot, and killed some imbecile that played Majora's mask.

'Well, I guess I can play some video games.'


Ben stood up from his bed, got some random game, and went downstairs.

Jeff, EJ, and Sally were sitting on the couch in the living room, doing whatever the random fuck they always do.

Ben sat down on the ground because Jeff was being an asshole and wouldn't let him sit on the couch; and put the game in the console and started playing.

Jeff suddenly jumped off the couch and exclaimed, "Man I'm bored, tell Slender that I'm gonna put some bitches to sleep".

But before Jeff cloud leave the house, Slender teleported in the room, stopping him.

"Jeffrey, BEN I need you to do some work for me", the faceless man requested his proxies. 

"What? Why the fuck should I do what you want? Where the flying hell are your masked puppets?", Jeff screamed at Slender, annoyed.

"Masky and Hoodie are on an important mission so you two are the only left here that can do the job. I wouldn't have consulted the likes of you, so don't be flattered. You two were my only choice, as unreliable as you are.", Slender said, fed up with his proxies behaviors. 

"Fine, goddamn. What do we have to do", Ben asked, with an exasperated sigh, sending the slit-lipped teen next to him, a look of distaste. 

"You two need to hang all the pages on the trees because a human managed to take them all down."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2015 ⏰

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