When Eyes Meet

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You woke up in complete darkness. You knew you were in a box, and it was moving upward. Fast. That's pretty much all. Now that you thought about it... that was literally all you knew! You didn't even know your own name! What the heck was going on, You thought. Suddenly the box stopped. A bright light streamed in from above, temporarily blinding you. you shielded your eyes with one hand. As your eyes adjusted, you looked up and saw a bunch of raggedy boys looking down at you. One of the boys jumped into the box in front of you. He had long dirty blonde hair and he was kinda handsome... you guessed... though he wasn't really your type. He looked incredibly confused.

"Why do you all look so confused? Where am I? Why are you all boys?" There were so many questions that you wanted to ask, but The Dude in front of you had other ideas,

"Look Greenie, you can ask-"

"And what is a Greenie?"

"Just follow me and all your questions will be answered."

"I don't trust you." He looked trustworthy, and he had a British accent so there was that... but you could never tell.

"The name's Newt. You can trust me, I promise." you raised one eyebrow at him but took his hand, he seemed nice enough. You let him help you up from your sitting position but when he tried to help you out of the box you swatted his hand away and got out by yourself. You wouldn't let these boys think you were weak, although you didn't really have a choice on him helping you out of your sitting position, your butt was too sore from sitting so long. When you got out of the box you were completely surrounded by boys. Newt yelled at them to back off, which you were quite thankful for. Man, those boys smelled! All of the boys backed off, except for a tall Asian dude with short black hair.

"The name's Minho, Greenie. Welcome to the Glade."

"Okay." you respond.

"What's your name" He asked you. You were hesitant at first but then you decided to tell him the only memory you had, Your name.

"Cecilia." He smiled and you decided you could trust him. You let Newt take you on a tour of the Glade. You were trying not to talk while he showed you around the Glade, but finally you couldn't help it,

"Where are all the girls?" you asked, you couldn't see a single girl in sight, not a single one. There were boys everywhere, but no girls.

"You're the first one," He said without looking at you.

"What do you mean I'm the first one? Where are the girls?" This was all so confusing!

"Look," he said, finally turning to face you. "Every month the creators, the people who sent us to this bloody place, send up a boy. Always a boy. Never a girl." you were so confused! Were the "creators" sexist or something? you thought to yourself. Newt turned away from you and kept on with the tour.

It was pretty boring. There was a garden, a place for sheep and goats and stuff like that, there was also a homestead where you guessed people slept. There was also a kitchen-y place where they ate their food. The only thing that really interested you was a pale boy with longish, stringy, greasy black hair. He was wearing a black robe, which mystified you because it was like, 90 degrees here. He was sitting in the shade of a tree that looked very, very, dead. For some reason you couldn't take your eyes off him.

When Newt noticed you staring at him he raised an eyebrow.

"You should really stay away from him," He said, humor lacing his voice, "He's bloody strange, that one." You ignored him.

"What's his name?" You asked Newt

"Snape, his name is Snape. He was the first Greenie to arrive here"

"Are you ever going to explain to me what a Greenie is?" You asked him, in order to force your attention off Snape.

"It's what we call the person who has most recently come here." Newt explained to you.

"Why do you say that Snape is 'bloody strange'?" you said with exaggerated finger quotation marks, "Isn't that kinda rude?" you looked over at Snape who was staring in the entryway of what looked like a humongous corridor with ivy covering the walls. you would find out what was past those walls later, but for now you felt the need to protect Snape.

"Look," Newt said, "The moment Snape got here he's never said anything, he's always in a corner somewhere, never does anything, just sits there... except when it's dinner, then he comes to the kitchen, grabs his food, and goes back to his spot. None of us have even tried to give him a job. He scares us too much. Now do you understand?" you thought about it, and the more you thought about it the more determined you were to give him a chance.

"Have you ever tried talking to him?" you asked Newt.

"Yes! We have! Whenever we try to talk to him he just calls us filthy mud bloods and refuses to say anything else!"

"What in the world is a mud blood?" You ask, incredibly confused. What were all these words? Mud blood sounded slightly familiar though....

"We don't know," Newt answered.

You remembered later feeling kind of an impulse, like this strange boy that went by the name of Snape was drawing you in. you took a step closer... and closer...

"What the hell are you doin'?" Newt asked you incredulously. He grabbed your arm but you pulled out of his grasp. "Don't say I didn't warn you!" He yelled after you. you turned to face him and stuck your tongue out at him. You were really starting to not like this guy.

You jogged up to Snape and sat down right next to him.

"Nnngo uway feelthy mud blood!" He said to you in a strange accent, kind of like Newt's, that you found weirdly attractive.

"No! I won't go away!"

"You are stubborn, I'll give you that. Now is time for the real test, what would I get if I added powdered root of Asphodel to an infusion of Wormwood?"

"What? What do you-" but before you could ask him what he meant, he went on.

"Tell me, what is the difference between Monkshood and Wolfs bane?"

"I don't know what you're saying!" you yelled before he could say anything else.

"Then you are no use to me, goodbye." And at that he turned away "Wait." He said turning back to you,

"Yes?" you asked him hopefully

"Is your name Lilly?" He asked you.

"Umm... no."

"Goodbye." He said, then sat down and didn't say anything else, so you left.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2020 ⏰

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