I cry for help but refuse it,
Against my own will.
I can't talk to anyone.
I don't want to talk to anyone.
No one understands, they aren't able to listen.
I can't speak,
Because I feel,
But what I feel is,
Unreturned love.
I can't stop the pain,
Nobody knows that I have it.
It doesn't go away,
People just think I want attention.
I don't.
I want
I need
I hope
People look away when they see me.
If they see me at all.
I wish
I need
I hope
Someone could care enough,
That they would look,
And know what I'm going through.
They don't.
The pain doesn't end.
I want it to.
Only one way.
He needs me.
That's all that I have anymore,
Protecting him with all of my,
She needs me,
She needed me.
I was strong for her
While she crumbled on the outside.
I hid
That I was dying on the inside.
So she wouldn't collapse.
I need
I want
I hope
Someone comes.
Rescue me.
Make it stop.
Give me a reason,
To live.
To need
To want
To hope
To carry on.
People would think I'm dramatic,
I'm not.
Just alone.
Wanting to be,
Hating it as well.