Jet Panther FOREVER!

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The City is in flames, some buildings were still standing, but part of them had been destroyed

and it was caused by, IT!

A Monster, with the appearance of Dragon, but has red markings, and it's notable features, were it's Large Sharp Clawed Wings on it's back, and the glowing red eyes

It was Gryphon, The Hybrid of Destruction

It was Gryphon, The Hybrid of Destruction

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Gryphon roared with rage, and destroyed the rest of the City with it's Red Electrical Storms

but then,


The Hybrid Dragon was knocked down to the ground, by a fist,

The Gryphon got up, and snarled at the one who dared struck it,

It was a Large Robot, a Black colored one to be exact, with a humanoid appearance, and had two red glowing eyes

It was Jet Panther!

"I must defend humans, from kaiju

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"I must defend humans, from kaiju." He said in a dull Robot Voice

Jet Panther faced at the Dragon Titan, that this monster was destroying this City, and it's his duty to defend Humans from Kaiju

Gryphon merely grinned, this walking metallic husk think it could challenge the Eldritch Dragon?

well, challenge accepted!

Jet Panther got into fighting stance

"I'm Combat Ready."


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