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Most people tell me that death is something you can't stop or avoid. That death comes to us all any many ways. How can I say this with out sounding so crazy? Where do I begin is the real question? Where do I start? Well it all began in my very little village where not many people come. The population is 1,000 people. Most of the time you can hear the sound of children playing,and laughing. It all went silent. Like a dead winter as if time proceeded to just stop. The village grew Ill by a virus we didn't know could reach us. We couldn't even understand where it came from. We know that one of us had gotten sick, and since that day everything was a true nightmare. After one got sick then another, then another right after. Me and my family tried to stay clear of it, and tired to keep our self away form it. Then it was to late, my mother started to come down with the mysterious virus and end up on her death bed. Before that my sister kamira and I. who was ten at the time left after saying our goodbyes to our mother to find she died the day we lift. She we ran away for the village and away for the illness. Time goes on as it just me protecting my little sister as we searching for a place to stay and keep going walks lasted for hours from hours to months. We both living off the land and doing what we could.

"Sis......when will we make it to the next town....I am tired and cold."he say as we walk trying to make our way to the next town to see if anyone could help.

"Kamira it shouldn't be that are for us we probably got a mile or so don't worry." I say to keep her under control.

Yet she suffered a lot and that's with me. Sometimes I feel I am a terrible sister to have her little one go through this. It was nights I sat up to let tears go. I have to stay strong for her sake, for mine, and our mom who's not with us anymore. All I wanted to do is give out and just let us wither in the forests, the sands, and rivers. Her being my sister we both are strong and willed. Until....that very day.... there weren't anything I could possibly do.... There was nothing I could have happened so quickly. How could I have know?. Thinking about it I couldn't have possibly stop it. I lost that very little thing that kept me going, that kept me pushing and wanting us safe together. My sister had the virus..... within her.... The past few days my sister died...... before would could ever make it. Makes me feel do I have as well? Do I have that thing in me as well? How could I have gotten? I lay there in tears not wanting to move as days gone by me knowing I will never see them again never feel them. Never get to see my sister get older have kids and experience love. Kamira I am sorry what happened I lay there to find a dark figure over my head.

"Who are you? And where am I?". I would ask looking at the dark lingering figure that floated above me.

The thing never really said a word to me or even moved. It's eyes were red like blood, its body was long as if it is floating off the ground. It's  long hooded Cloak that cover it's body stays still and not move at all. I would feel a cold feeling against me as I grown scared.

"Please talk to me I truly don't know where I am." I would tell it as it tilts it's head. One of the arm flap moved and giving the sign of pointing down. I slowly looking down as my tears starts to build up and I fall. On to my knees and hands. I.....I died. I started to scream out and up  torn that I died a horrible death. This was not in my plans to die. Not here,not now, not ever. Sadly that not how life works. I haven't ate or moved in days. Death by a broken heart. The shadow figure looks at me then slowly starts to move away from me. I get up and runs after it to reach it and figure out where I am. I look around it is like time has stopped and I have no clue on how to get back to my sister. I remember she died I fall over and clenched the ground into tears. Crying what will this do thinking to myself what will this do. I slowly crawl as I reach an iron gate. This place don't feel like hell or haven. Where am I  why couldn't I keep myself to keep going. Why did it have to me be to bare all this pain,lost, and nothingness that was passed on to me. Where am truly I keep asking myself as I roll into my back looking at the what was to be the sky. What am I to do here I truly need to get back. I need to get back to my sister. I need to get back to keeping her self.

I need to get everything back. I need to get my self back into my body. How can I do so if I am dead. Losing myself in this world that's not even mine. I need help, I need some one here to show me a way back to my family. The breeze from the gate hits my long black hair waving as I hear a sound. As if some one is speaking, maybe it's my head playing tricks with me. The voice was deep and hollow as I turn to look at the gate the shadowing figure looks at me.  As it arm flap lifts up I look at it wondering what is it doing. A long black arm appears out of it with a large shape hand, with claws come down upon me, I am unable to move it pierced my body dragging me as I scream. Pulling me in the gate as I clenched tight. It pulling me in closing the gate after me. For this is only the beginning of my torture. I am dragged into a long hall dark, and blacks as the night and, cold as the dead in winter.

The hall is long and all I can hear are voices and I couldn't really understand or make out what they are saying. The figure starts to float in the direction deeper inside. I try getting up to follow but my body hurts of being dragged. I don't want that to happen again so I followed him into the deep abyss.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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