Your Omija

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Hey people! I'm back with a new story!
The original story is by sekshiboi on Asian Fanfiction. So the story idea credit goes to him/her. I just added some more things into it.😊😊.

I'll also be posting this on AFF under the username Sehun_is_yehet.


Moon was what you call a typical highschool loser. The one without no friends kind of loser. The eating lunch alone on the rooftop kind of loser. It’s not that she never had friends. She had a friend but she left the school 3 years ago. That’s when loneliness covered her. And having crush on the school heartthrob Namjoon just made it worse.

What made her even lonelier was that she lived alone in her small apartment. Her mom works day and night to help her and was forced to work in a local café to pay her bills because it was not possible for her to pay her bills as well as her daughter’s bills.

“Hey moon, got any friends now?” a boy teased her.
She just simply ignored it.School sucked as usual.
Luckily, it was her final high school year and there were only a few months left till the final exam.

As the school bell rang, she grabbed her stuff and headed towards the exit.

Her next stop was the coffee shop. She had an ship of 4 hours. She was a bit happy because it was her payment day.

“ Here is your salary” her boss said.
“ But you said you will give me raise” she said
“ Just be happy what with you get” the boss said coldly.

She frowned. “Shitty life” she mumbled.
Now she had another problem. She needed food. She saw an omija tea stall and thought to drinking some omija tea.

She returned with the omija tea in her bag.Plopped down her bag. She was working hard just to pay off her rent for this small apartment.
Suddenly her phone rang. It was her mother.
“Hello mom!” she said excitedly”When are you coming back?”
“ Sorry hon but I will not be able to visit you this week, I have a lot of pressure. I’m so sorry” she said and hung up.
Her eyes got teary. She started crying.

What she did not notice what that one of her teardrop fell in the omija tea.
She folded her arms and started crying.

Then suddenly she heard a chime sound. The kind of sound a fairy's wings make.
She lifted her head from the folded elbows and saw a small figure. It was a boy about 6 inches tall with rainbow hair. She was shocked.
“ Who are you?” she asked
“ What have you never seen an omija fairy?” he said in a small voice
“Omija fairy?”
“ Haven’tyou heard that when your tears fall in omija tea, a fairy appears who makes your three wishes come true” he said
“I always thought that was baloney”
“What?” the boy said and his hair turned fiery red.
“What happened to your hair color?”
“ oh its just my hair color changes when my mood changes”
“So what’s your name my owner?” he said
“ Oh I’m sorry, my name is Moon. What about yours?”
“ My name is Sehun” he said and his hair turned brown, indicating he is happy.
“Awww you are so cute”. Moon said.
“Hey I’m a man and men can’t be cute!” he said, his hair again turning red.
“Ok ok I’m sorry.You are handsome” she said while chuckling.
His hair turned pink indicating he is blushing.
“Is it true that you can fulfill wishes?”
“Duh” he said
“Prove it”
“make a wish first”
“ ummmmm…….bring me some pizza” she said. She has not eaten a full meal since last two weeks.
“Okieee” then he moved his hands and a pizza appeared.
“Oh my god!” she said, surprised
“ Told you”

She opened the box and started eating the pizza. She was literally shoving the pieces in her mouth. She noticed Sehun standing there holding his stomach, indicating he is hungry.
“ Are you hungry?” moon asked
“ Yeah”
“ Why didn’t you say so?”
“ Um ……. My other owners didn’tliked it when I asked them for some of their food” he said, his hair turning blue indicating he is sad.
“ aww don’t be sad, here have some food” she offered
Sehun happily accepted the slice of pizza Moon gave him and started eating. Moon watched her cutely nibble on the pizza.

“ Ah I need to sleep now, I have school tomorrow” Moon said while yawning after finishing her homework.
“What about me, I can’t be in here alone” he said sadly.
“ill figure out sneaking in you to school tomorrow” she said while plopping to bed.
“ but where will I sleep? If I sleep with you I will be crushed”he whined
“ wait I’ll set up a pillow on my table, you can sleep there” Moon said
Sehun smiled and happily fell asleep on the soft cushion.

“Oh God! I’m late!!!” Moon yelled. It was already 8:30 and school starts from 9.

She got dressed and was about to leave when Sehun woke up.
“Where are you going?” he asked cutely
“SCHOOL!” she literally yelled.
“Don’t leave me!” he said, his hair turning blue.
“But how will I sneak you into school?”
“I can hide in your bag!” he suggested
“ But you will get squashed.”
“Maybe I can hide in your hoodie!” he suggested.
Moon was hesitant at first but it was her best option.
“Ok,but stay on my shoulder blade, don’t go any further”
He nodded cutely and jumped on her shoulder and she left her apartment.

As usual, when she entered school she saw Namjoon with his friends.She was blushing and Sehun noticed it.
“You have a crush on him right?”
“Yeah but he’ll never notice me” Moon sighed
School went as usual,boring.
After what felt like 1000 hours, it finally ended.
“Lets go home!” Sehun shouted.
“ No, actually I have to go the  café”
“Do you work there?”

Moon was doing her shift and she placed Sehun near her table where he sat, sometimes playing with the equipments.
When her shift was over,she saw that he fell asleep. He looked so cute with his lips parted.
She lifted him up and started walking home.


Moon was now heading for the news office. She had now become Korea’s most popular journalist.Thanks to Sehun ofcourse. But this also costed her a wish and now she only had one left. As time passed, she grew more connected to Sehun and even possibly had a crush on the omija fairy.
“Hey Sehun, let’s go”
He yawned and got up.
At the news office,as usual, everyone was greeting her. Tomorrow was her birthday after all.
But she noticed someone different.
It was Namjoon,her high school crush
“Hey Namjoon” she said, sounding a bit nervous
“Hi” Namjoon said coldly”sorry but I got to go” he said
Moon again turned sad.

“Hey don’t, he doesn’t deserve you!” Sehun said.

“Thank you Hunnie.” Moon said calling Sehun by his nickname.

It was a cold evening. Moon thought of taking a walk in the park.But Sehun looked upset.
“Lets go to the park” Moon said.
“But I’m cold” Sehun said.
“Just hide in my clothes”
And he did,Sehun saw people with their loved ones and their family celebrating the Christmas feeling.He frowned because he didn’t have any family except Moon.
He silently cried.

After an hour in the park, Sehun fell asleep with tears in his eyes. Moon noticed that.

But she ignored it and went to sleep as well. How she wished Sehun was a human so that she could cuddle with him all day. But it was all a dream.

Sehun woke up in the middle of the night. He saw Moon crying in her sleep. She was mumbling something.

“Sehun I wish you were human…”

At that moment, his body started crumbling into dust. He quickly kissed Moon and then…….

Moon woke up to find a mount of fairy dust on her table. She was horrified. She heard somewhere that when omijas turn into humans, they die.
“Did I wish for him to be human?” Moon realized and cried.

It was her birthday which she wanted to spend with the person she loved most but she ended up spending it alone.
She had no choice but to head to office.

There was no small tiny fairy next to her today, no more changing of haircolor with mood.

When she went to office she saw Namjoon with a man named Jin next to him and it broke her heart even more. All of this on her birthday.

In the evening,she had no rush to go home. She strolled around the park for some hours. She saw couples talking and walking happily.
Sehun became a large part of her daily life and she didn’t even realise it.

She sighed. But she had to go home.

When she reached her apartment,she saw that her door was ajar.She became cautious. She stepped in and was welcomed with the smell of delicious food. She followed the scent to find the source.

She entered the kitchen and saw a man with black hair, cooking food.
At that moment,her heart stopped.

“S-s-sehun?” she stammered.

The man turned and she saw it was infact the omija fairy she fell in love with.She rushed to hug him and started crying.
“why are you crying?” Sehun asked in a soothing voice.

“ I t-thought i-I lost you b-because i-I saw..”

“Don’t worry, those were my wings. I had to shed my wings to become a human” he laughed. His laughter was like music to her ears.
“But where were you in the morning?” she asked
“ Oh I just went out grocery shopping to cook for your birthday”

She just cried more.

“I-i-I love you Sehun”

“I love you too Moon”

He suddenly broke the hug and leaned to quickly give her a peck on the lips.
She hugged him even tighter after that. Crying tears of joy.

“Omija, please be mine forever and promise to never leave me”

“Wish accepted”



So how was it? Look I tried even though I know it's not good 😅.
Tell me your opinion about this story in the comments section ☺️

Thank you 💜

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