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Written on: 10/17/2019

Mon chéri
It was a Tuesday in February right after winter break. I was trying to open my locker when she walked up to me. Lora Mensah, the smartest girl in our grade. She was gonna be valedictorian and all. She was really pretty. Boys didn't date like or court her much because she was too mature for them. I kinda had a crush on her back in 10th grade but I never dared. I was just that white boy from Portugal who just came to look around the school. Ever since Carla (one of the cheerleaders) rejected me back in freshman year, I didn't want to even bother courting a girl.
"Hey Richie,how was your break?" Lora said to me as I turned to her. I smiled and replied. She talked so nice to me that I couldn't help but blush. She really knew I existed. She then asked if we could become friends and I happily agreed; I didn't want to know why, I was too glad. Soon we parted ways and to my surprise, we had the same class (Forensic Science). She sat by my side and was really nice. She was the type that drew good attention. She answered almost every question that I even felt dumb sitting there. She was really cool and such a breath of fresh air. She also had such a great sense of humor. I was really impressed. Every statement she made was filled with such intelligence that I wanted to know her more. Where had she been all my four years of high school? I wish I had known her longer but I was glad to know her even still. She was so different from the other girls in my school.
We sat together during lunch and she told me that I was gonna be her only friend. Somehow that made me so happy I didn't know why. We shared a few things about each other and there were somethings that were kind of similar. We had so much in common too. When school was over, she gave me a big hug and left. She used to be in the track team but she quit last semester after an injury. I went for soccer practice right after (even though our season hadn't begun we still meet up and practice). My friends started asking me about Lora. They wanted to know if she liked me or we were getting to know each other. I blushed really hard and told them to stop and that we've only known each other for 8 hours. They began teasing me and then Jayden uttered: "I wonder if she gives BJs". The rest of the boys started laughing and all of a sudden anger poured on me and I felt like punching him in the face. I wanted to defend her so bad and I didn't want them to say anything bad about her. He quickly apologized but I knew he didn't mean it because he was still grinning. I ignored him and practiced. When it was time, I left and went home.
All night I kept on thinking about Lora. Why me? Did she like me? Stuff like that run through my head. I went on her Instagram page that night and I lurked so hard. She was so cool, everything about her. Her last post was on April 23, 2017, her 15th birthday. She hasn't posted anything since but her previous posts were interesting. She was a really great character and I became more and more intrigued. I went to bed thinking about her and couldn't wait to see her tomorrow.
I looked for her in the hallway and she was standing by her locker. She was holding her head as if it hurt but when I went close to her and she acted like she was fine. I couldn't even speak, I was just standing there staring at her nervously. She made the first move and hugged me. I was blushing so hard I couldn't speak. She then asked me what class I had and I told her. Her class was close to mine and we walked there together. She didn't mind being seen together. She held my hand and I was so nervous. We passed by so many of our classmates and they could all see. It was like we had gone public with our relationship.
Lora and I were really taking things fast. I never thought I needed her in my life. She was like everything I wanted. These few days with her had been really nice. We had deep conversations where we both got to know each other. We enjoyed each other's company. With the pace at which things we're going, we decided to start dating on the 5th day. Sunday was our first-day officially together. We went to the movies, explored New York, took memorable pictures that made our bond grew tighter and tighter. We did a lot of stuff together that will forever be embedded in my memory. She gave me my first real kiss and I hope I was hers too.
We had already crossed 10 days and I was madly in love with her. I couldn't wait to see her anytime we separated. Soon something crossed my mind about Lora. She got tired a lot; she also acted like she was gonna faint most of the time. She couldn't go on rollercoasters and she complained of headaches. I wanted to ask her if she was going through anything but I didn't know how to. I didn't want to overthink anything because I wanted to trust her. I didn't want to think about anything negative as well and only focus on us and how to be happier together.
It was Valentine's Day and I had gone all out to make it special for her. I had made a collage of pictures of us together, some chocolate, roses, and a card pouring out my love for her. I waited by her locker first thing in the morning. I didn't care about others who kept on staring at me. I just stood waiting and was smiling like a fool. Soon I saw her approaching and her face changed really quickly. I began to tell her how I felt and soon lots of students were listening. She started crying so much and I just went on to tell her how much I like her and the past 2 weeks together had meant so much to me. Then other kids kept on listening and were cheering for us. I didn't want her to cry so I went in to give her a hug. After a few seconds, she pushed me back and said, "I cannot do this anymore. I'm sorry Richie" and she left. I stood there frozen for like 3 minutes. My brain shut down a bit and the only thing running through my head was that sentence. Why? What did I do wrong? Did she not like the present? Was I too brazen? I wanted answers, I wanted to know what's wrong. I didn't care about the kids mumbling around me. I didn't even bother about the embarrassment like when Carla rejected me. I threw the presents on the floor and went to look for her. I roamed around the school like a mad man looking for her. All I wanted was to see Lora. I wanted to know what was wrong.
I had already missed a few classes due to searching for her. I heard from one of our teachers that Lora had gone home. I went to the bathroom and balled my eyes out. She didn't tell me where she lived and I didn't know where to find her except for school. Everything was going wrong. I didn't want to lose her. I also couldn't do anything to stop it. I finally gathered courage and went to class. My head was down and I didn't care about what the other students were saying behind my back. During the rest of the day, I didn't do anything but sit down and wonder. I couldn't even go for practice because I wasn't in my right mind. I called her so many times but she didn't pick up. I texted her on every app I could think of but still no avail. One of my friends called me and told me not to bother too much and that was what most girls do. They lead you on and then crush you completely. My anxiety was rising so bad and listening to the guys wasn't doing me any good. They kept on saying things that were making me hate her and question my love for her. I went to bed with a heavy heart and I was really surprised I managed to wake up the next day.
I went to school with so much anger built in me. I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I was surprised at how one girl could make me love in ways I never thought of and how that same girl can make me develop hate for everything. I decided to ignore everyone but deep down I was waiting for her to show up. It was 6th period and she still wasn't here. I gave up and I went home after closing. I didn't even go for practice because I still couldn't think straight. I tried calling her so many times but still....
It had already been a week and Lora had still not been to school. I missed her so much and was always praying she would walk through one of these doors and smile, even if it's not to me. At lunch, the football players and the soccer players sat together. One kid named Melvin asked me "yo Richie, have you seen Lora lately". My face and my friends' changed completely. I faked smiled and said, "Naa we broke up". " Really, shouldn't you be with her now the most? She's going through a lot you know" he said to me. "What do you mean by that?" I asked anxiously. "My dad works at New York-Presbyterian Hospital and I went to see him yesterday at his office. I saw someone who looked like Lora and it seemed she was admitted there. That is probably why she hadn't been to school yet". Immediately he said that I had risen from my seat and realized that I've been a fool all along. I run as much as possible from the cafeteria and skipped school to go see Lora at the hospital. Everything was true. I saw Lora in a wheelchair in hospital clothes and looked feeble. She was playing with some kids in the lobby. I was shaking so much. And I couldn't even take a step. The tears were coming so much that I couldn't take it. I finally gathered the courage and called her name. She turned and was surprised to see me. She asked me to take her to the balcony where we could get some privacy to talk. "What are you doing here?" She asked
"I was waiting for you," I said.
"Please don't, move on" she uttered.
"I don't think I can. I love you so much. I haven't been the same since you left me" I said once again crying. I turned to her and bent down to speak to her on an eye level.
"I am dying Richie. I have acute Myeloid leukemia and I don't think I'll make it" she said crying. "Please...please.....forget about me and move on..... I ended this because I was afraid you'll get too attached when I leave. I don't want you to be affected after I leave. Please move on ".
" No no no no, don't ever say that," I said hugging her tightly. "Everything is gonna go right. You're not gonna die. I'll always be here by your side. I am sorry I didn't realize it sooner."
"No it's not your fault, I shouldn't have approached you in the first place. I wanted to know what falling in love was like without realizing the consequences it'll bring." She said to me but all I wanted to do was to continue hugging her. After a few hours outside, I decided to take her into her room. Her mom showed up and smiled at me. It was like she already knew me. She thanked me for being by her daughter's side. I was more than glad to do so. I wanted to stay with her all night. She was in so much pain that I was hurting. The doctors told her that she couldn't go outside anymore.
I didn't even bother going to school the next day. I went straight to the hospital to be by her side. That's all I wanted to do. I tried my best to make her smile even if it was the last time. I loved her so much and I made it known all the time. I continued like this for a few days- I wasn't going to school nor soccer practices. Eventually, they called my parents and told them I wasn't going to school. My mom didn't take it nicely. She demanded that I tell her everything. All I could say was that I was losing my lover. My mom obviously didn't understand and I was grounded to not seeing her.
Lora died on April 5, which would've been our 2 month anniversary. I went to her funeral blacked out. Most of our schoolmates were there and they all told me to be strong. I paid respect to her mother and she gave me a box that was specially prepared for me by Lora. I couldn't even talk, I stared at her picture and I still couldn't believe it. My parents drove me home and I opened the box. It contained our photos, couples' bracelets, and a USB Drive. I played the video and it was a video of her on her deathbed assuring me that everything will be alright. She wanted me to always be happy and remember the happy memories we shared. She also apologized for not staying with me forever. She said she loved me forever and will always. The video ended and other videos from our dates showed after. I was crying so much that I couldn't take it but scream. I was scattering everything in my room. My parents barged in and tried to calm me down. My mom hugged me and apologized for not letting me see her before she died. I kept on crying.
My life was never the same. Everywhere I went reminded me of her especially school. I decided to take some time off school and reflect on myself. I went to school one final time to say goodbye to my friends. Everyone kept on staring at me. There was a portrait of Lora's senior picture put up and students put up posters and candles writing down sweet things for Lora. I stood in front of the picture for over 10 minutes. After that, I smiled and put up my own postcard on the portrait. I left after.

Richie finished narrating his previous love life to his psychologist. It was their last meeting before Richie leaves for his world tour. He said his final goodbyes and was ready to go when the psychologist called up to him, "what did you write on the poster?". Richie stood there smiling and recalled. He had written, "I will be happy, please be happy too." He left the office and was still smiling. All he thought about was Lora, his greatest love, his "mon chéri", the one he'll always have in his heart.


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