The First Year

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"Ahhh it feels good to be a third year!" Yuu Nishinoya sighs as he swings the gym door open, letting in a big breath.
"Hell yeah! I get to boss around these baby first year players!" Ryu Tanaka laughed as he waited for the rest of the team to enter.
"It's gonna be weird without the third years" Nishinoya frowned and stared at the floor.
"What's wrong Noya? You're finally the big third year! We have the highest amount of respect!" Tanaka smiles trying to get a reaction from Noya.
"I don't know, I miss Asahi and the others" he scratched his head looking up at Tanaka.
"They promised to come to our first game, don't worry we will see them again" Tanaka slapped Noya's arm to get him back in a hyped mood.
"Yeah you're right!" Noya smiled at him, the gym doors swung open and the now new second years came storming in.
"Sweet gym! Oh have I missed you!" Shoyo Hinata ran in and rolled straight onto the floor.
"Get up, dumb-ass" Tobio Kageyama walked in behind him looking around at the gym.
"Hey Hinata! Kageyama!" Noya ran over and both slapped their hands, Kageyama still isn't good with social interaction.
"Woah, it's gonna be so weird without Daichi, Sugawara and Asahi!" Hinata gave a sad look, looking around the gym.
"Don't forget sweet- sweet kiyoko" Tanaka bit his lip dramatically.
"Oh how I miss her sweet smell!" Noya whined and latched onto Tanaka.
"Oh give it a break-" they all turn and see Kei Tsukishima and Tadashi Yamaguchi walk in.
"Don't get all cocky with your third years now, four eyes!" Tanaka gave a smug look and Tsukishima rolled his eyes.
"I miss this smell! Don't you Tsukki!" Tadashi turned and smiled at Tsukishima and he shrugged him off.
"Hey king of the court" Tsukishima gave a smug smile too Kageyama who was eyeing him down.
"Will you give it up?" Kageyama glared in his direction.
"Can we not, have a fight on the first day back please!" Noya butted in trying to prevent something.
"Remember last year when I had to kick you babies out of the gym!" Tanaka laughed pointing at Kageyama and Hinata.
"Yeah! Kageyama used to hate me!" Hinata giggled colliding into Kageyama.
"We're not best friends or anything" Kageyama held his hand out to stop Hinata from touching him.
"Wait- Where is Yachi?" Noya looked around searching for the team manger.
"Uh- I'll go look for her" Tadashi ran to the door and looked out.
"Oh, she's coming!" he ran out and about a minute later she came in with papers flying out of her hand.
"H-hey guys-" Yachi stumbled into the gym, looks like she has been crying.
"Yachi- What's wrong?" Hinata croaked his head.
"First day of being the manager without Kiyoko helping me that's all!" She gave a fake smile, obviously overwhelmed and missing Kiyoko.
"I know, we all miss them" Noya sighed, everyone was upset and missed there upperclassman.
"Even I gotta admit, I miss Daichi's advice" Tsukishima sighed, looking at the waxy floor.
"Guys, I know we all miss them but we got to remember. We need to start practicing, that's what they'd want us to do!" Hinata clapped his hands together and they all nodded.
"Right" they all agreed.
"Wait Noya- Where is Ukai?" Kageyama questioned.
"He won't be here until next week, he is busy with the shop apparently" Tanaka shrugged.
"Ok, me and Tsukki will get the net!" Tadashi dragged Tsukki to the equipment room.
"Yachi, you look so nervous?" Kageyama looked at her.
"Finally starting managing by myself, ha uhm, i'm not to good at first days" her arms were shaking.
"Yachi-chan it's ok relax!" Hinata grabbed her arms and tried to calm her.
"Ok the net is ready!" Tadashi yelled out.
"Everyone should just do some simple receives today, we will start some real stuff next week when Ukai gets here"
"Right" they all ran to get a volleyball.
Suddenly, the gym doors swung open. A girl. She had bright pink hair, eyeliner, black ripped jeans and she was chewing gum obnoxiously.
Everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at her, who is she?
"Uhm, hi?" she smacked her gum.
"Oh hey Yuu!" her face lit up and she waved to Noya.
"Rin I told you to come tomorrow!" Noya smacked his head.
"Well, I have practice tomorrow so I wanna come today!" Rin smiled and crossed her arms.
"Uh- Noya- Who is this?" Tanaka questioned.
"Yeah, Uhm this is boys volleyball?" Kageyama tilted his head.
"Everyone, this is my younger sister, Naya" Noya introduced Naya, or Rin.
Younger. Sister.
"What?!" Everyone turned to Noya.
"Wait- Rin! As in Nay-Nay who used to wear glasses and pink headbands! I haven't seen you since sixth grade!" Tanaka tried to greet her but she cut him off.
"First, yes I am 'Noya's sister' or whatever. Second no one, EVER calls me Naya. I do not go by Naya I only go by Rin. Third, I have to come here and watch y'all practice because i'm being forced to do volleyball"
No one knew what to say.
"Uh- Ok hi Rin. What do you mean you're being forced to do volleyball?" Hinata walked up to her.
"Yuu is making me because I don't do anything else besides draw" She rolled her eyes.
"Well volleyball is amazing! You'll definitely like it!" Hinata smiled.
"There is no point, i'm never gonna go to Tokyo" she shrugged.
"Wow, Noya your sister sounds a lot like someone I know" Kageyama turned to Tsukishima.
"Why? Is four eyes like me?" Rin giggled.
"I guess" Tsukishima shrugged.
"I'm sorry for you, Noya" Tanaka whispered into his ear.
"Yeah, she's a l o t" Noya shuttered.
"What happened to Nay-Nay?" Tadashi walked up to Tanaka and Noya.
"Well in the eighth-"
"Yuu, if you tell them I will make your life a living hell and tell them about-"
"FINE!" Noya stopped her, she smiled.
"Well! Pleased to meet you Rin!" Yachi walked up to shake her hand.
"Who is this blonde cupcake?" Rin looked up and down Yachi.
"E-excuse me"
"Don't talk to Yachi like that!" Tadashi yelled.
"Yeah! No one talks to our manger like that!" Hinata crosses his arms.
"I never said it was a bad thing. She just is just a happy, innocent, vanilla cupcake" Rin smirked.
"What do you mean by 'vanilla'" Tsukishima tilted his head.
"Ok can we change the subject-" Tanaka interrupted.
"Uh- Rin what position do you play"
"I am a libero, or whatever" she sighs.
"Just like her older, and way better brother!" Noya flashes his smile.
"Wait why did you choose Kurasuno?" Hinata asked.
"Jesus, what is with all these questions? But uhm, I'm really fucking stupid" she laughed. They all gasped. Tsukishima laughed.
"Kurasuno isn't stupid! Tsukki goes here!" Tadashi stutters.
"It's a very easy school to get into, plus it's not the most wealthy school" she shrugged.
"Well we play teams like Nekoma!" Hinata gasped.
"That really doesn't matter, since Ukai's grandpa is friends with Nekoma's coach it's easy to get practices" She shrugs.
"H-how do you know this" Kageyama looks at her concerned.
"Yuu never stops talking" she rolled her eyes.
"Rin why are you being so mean, you just met everyone" Noya sighed.
"Actually I have no idea what your names are. Besides Tanaka and Yuu obviously"
"I am Shoyo Hinata!" Hinata bowed and Rin laughed.
"Ok, so ginger is Hinata, Uhm whats foureyes's name" She pointed at Tsukishima.
"Kei Tsukishima" He did a quick bow.
"The green haired freckle boy" Tadashi's face became red and he nearly stumbled to collect his words.
"T-tadashi Yamaguchi!" he did a very fast bow and stepped behind Tsukishima.
"Wait so four eyes is mean to everyone besides freckle boy?" Rin questioned.
"Uh huh, Tsukishima is scary" Hinata trembled.
"I'm Tobio Kageyama" He did a quick bow and shrugged.
"I'm assuming you're some smart guy-" She observed. They all started laughing, Kageyama standing in shame.
"Kageyama is actually really stupid!" Hinata laughed.
"BOKE-" Kageyama grabbed Hinata.
"Both of you chill-" Rin giggled.
"Rin, you really should go to the sidelines and watch from there. We got to practice" Noya frowned at her.
"Wait I wanna meet blondie" Rin turned and looked at Yachi.
"I am Y-yachi. The team manager" She looked down and stumbled over her words.
"Oh so blondie has a name. Kay' cool. I'll go to the sidelines and watch you dumb-asses play" she walked over and plopped to the sides.
"What is her deal-" Tadashi eyed her and looked at Noya.
"She's been through- a lot" Noya looked over at his sister who was doodling on her sketch book.
"Well, she seems cool." Tsukishima gave a half smile.
"Woah! Mean people like other mean people?" Hinata said to himself.
"Guys- Sorry to interrupt but the new first years are here" Yachi pointed at the trembling boys at the gym door.
"Ah, okay. Let's go and meet them" Noya sighed.
Yachi glanced over at Rin who was drawing more. What has she been through to make her such a mean person? Yachi thought as she ran up to greet the new first years...

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