Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Two years. Two years, three months and eighteen days was how much of my life I had wasted on a dead-end, draining relationship with that horrible Richard. Dick was an apt nickname for him. He was a great big, lying, cheating Dick! A stupid Dick who felt that it was necessary to stick his dick in anything that moved just because I refused to sleep with him. I looked around at the dimly lit hole-in-wall bar my best friends Wesley and Kara had dragged me too. I stretched my lips into a tight smile as I recalled the way they had stormed into my apartment, cleaning while they forced me to stop hiding out with my Netflix and mint chocolate chip ice cream and come out with them. I had wiped away my tears, painted on tasteful shimmery makeup and a cat eye to hide how puffy and red my eyes had been. I had begrudgingly changed into the outfit Kara picked out for me: a short black skirt, and a deep V wrap top that showed off a ridiculous amount of cleavage as Kara had also decided to have me wear the only pushup bra I owned (which my large breasts didn't need). I shifted uncomfortably as I recalled that Kara had somehow also convinced me to wear a thong tonight. "Panty lines!" she had horrifyingly squealed at me. To be honest, the weeks I had spent crying over Richard's betrayal had drained any fight I might've had in me. How was one supposed to react when on the night you finally decided to give up your virginity to your boyfriend of two years (that's right, a 23 year old virgin) you walk in on him screwing someone else on your bed.

As I thought back to the day I tasted salt and knew that I was crying and it was time to take another tequila shot with my friends.

"Wooooo shots!" Kara and Wesley squealed excitedly. Following their lead I tilted my head back and lifted my shot glass and let the burning liquid slide down my throat, deciding not to bite on a lime like my friends. I kind of liked the way the burn felt in that moment, at least I was feeling something other than the emptiness Richard had left me with.

"Hello? Brooke?" I looked to my right to see that Wesley was waving his hand back and forth in front of my face while Kara called my name.

"Oh sorry. I was just thinking."

"I wish you would stop thinking about Richard," Wesley groaned. I know I had kind of been wallowing in self-pity for about two weeks but he clearly didn't understand how much pain I was in. I was about to have sex with him for the first time and he cheated on me. It took me a while to realize it but I hadn't abstained from having sex because I wasn't ready or because I wanted to wait until marriage. I just wanted to wait for someone who made me feel special, wanted, and most importantly someone who made me want to have sex. I had dated a little bit through college but no guy ever really made me tremble with desire. Richard hadn't even come close; he was selfish, a know-it-all, rude to my friends, but he took me on dates and he stayed around despite the fact that for two years I wouldn't let him get past a little over-the-shirt feeling. He would always ask for more but how could anyone think "could we have sex now?" is sexy?

"I'll stop thinking about him after another shot," I said with determination as I motioned towards the bartender with my empty glass and placed another bill on the bar in payment.

"3...2...1.." we all said together before taking another shot. I was starting to feel warm and I could feel my sadness burning away with every shot. By my fourth the room started to look a bit like a Van Gogh and I found myself admiring the pretty swirly colors and giggling rather than crying and thinking about Richard.

I wrinkled my nose and giggled again just at the thought. No, gross no more thinking about him.Just fun tonight! My friends were right I really did need this. Wesley was talking again. He talks a lot, I thought to myself giggling again. Ooooh I should pay attention and respond so they don't think I'm drunk.

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