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lowercase intended.


jimmy was playing with his guitar while sitting on the empty bench at the park. there's a month long music event at the city where he lives. this event is being held once a year and a lot of people, especially those who are fan or just simply enjoys music anticipates this event. some bands, singer, producers, record labels or any business that are music related were always present in this kind of event. it's a great opportunity for some and a relaxation for many.

while jimmy busy with his guitar and learning some new chords, he suddenly noticed a guy standing in front of him. he looked up to see the guy's face and he can't help but to stare at his beautiful smile. "hi! i noticed that you're alone, and you see i'm an aspiring photographer." the guy said while holding his camera closer to jimmy "you're spot is kinda perfect for some shot, will you allow me to take some pictures?" jimmy was still in shock but tried to process the situation. he fixed his thing and stood up. "sure, i'll just search for other available spot." he uttered. "no! i mean... you look good while playing with your guitar and the background compliments with you. it's a perfect view for today's event. so i'm wondering if you can be my subject for today?" the guy said before giving his sweetest smile. "by the way, i'm tommy" he continued while offering his hand to jimmy.


"thank you so much for today" tommy said while looking at his camera, he's satisfied with all the pictures he took.
"no problem." jimmy simply answered while busy tidy-up his guitar. both of them was sitting in the bench. it's almost 6pm but the event is still on going, tho there were lesser people.
"you'll still be here tomorrow?" tommy asked still looking at his camera. "yeah, maybe." jimmy answered. "do you live here or you're just a tourist?" "i'm living here since high school. i'm not born here but i'm not new as well" jimmy said.

"can we meet again?" tommy asked as he shifted his attention towards jimmy looking directly in his eyes and flashed his adorable smile. jimmy was caught off guard. for some reason he can't say no to that smile. "sure. i mean why not?" he said before he continued on fixing his things. "can i ask for your phone number?" tommy asked naturally. "why?" jimmy asked confused "just to make sure that you'll show up tomorrow." tommy said while giving his phone to jimmy, jimmy took the phone while wearing that you-are-so-unpredictable smirk. he gave back tommy's phone after typing his number. suddenly he received a call from unknown number and looked at tommy "what? i'm just making sure you typed your real number." tommy said feeling guilty and shy at the same time.

"thank you for today, i had so much fun." tommy said smiling.
"be safe. it's really obvious that you're new here." that night jimmy went home first.


"where are you going?" asked by jimmy's friend "it's none of your business zee." jimmy answered while spraying some perfume and looking at his reflection in front of the mirror. "he's going to meet the guy he "had fun" with yesterday." mark uttered. "what?! you're going to meet again someone you just met yesterday ?! are you losing your mind." zee said still surprised. "i know what i'm doing zee."
"whatever! just don't call us when something bad happens!" zee said.


"i thought you won't show up today. " tommy said.
"why wouldn't i? i already said i will be here plus i never missed even a day in this event. this is my favorite month of the year." jimmy said enjoying the event's view. "you really enjoys music, don't you?" tommy asked. "yes, i mean who doesn't right? you? are you here just to take pictures or you also loves music? do you play any instrument?" jimmy asked while giving his full attention to tommy waiting for his answer. "i sing sometimes. i used to play guitar before but i don't know if i can still do it now." tommy said. "really? did someone taught you?" "i can't remember to be honest." tommy answered.

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