Part 1

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Taeyong POV :

I lived with mom and little sister in a small house away from town, my dad left us when my sister was mom was raising us alone for 15 years now.
The place we lived was quiet place since other houses were far. It was kinda near forest so I had to go in school by bus, traveling for 30 minutes.

"Mom, tomorrow I'll come home late, don't wait for me and sleep."

"Why son, for what reason?"

"You know, I wanted to check the job I was talking about before. I'm going to check it out with Mark. So he'll bring me home. Okay?"

"Okay, and buy me some groceries, I'll write it down and leave some money. Also tomorrow is your sister's birthday, don't forget to buy her gift we agreed to buy."

"Okay mom, will do so. Of course I remember her birthday, I'll buy it. Don't worry."

"Also if you, in any case, come home earlier tell Mark to come in house, you can hang out since he's been busy and didn't visited for time being."

"Okay. I'll tell him. He probably would like to come also. He said he missed your food, since we moved out."

"We miss him too, make sure that he comes then, ask him what he'd like to eat so I could have time to make food."

"Okay mom, I'll text him and make sure to tell you. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, see you tomorrow."

/morning ; 6:00 am/

*alarm rings*

"Taeyong son, wake up, you know you don't have other bus which goes in town today."

"Okay mom, I'll get ready now."

I got ready, went to eat a little bit and was about to leave for school.

"Here you go with list like I've said, be careful."

"I will, you too. Don't worry I'll try my best to come earlier."

"Okay, wait for sister now, she'll be here for a moment."

"Naeun, are you coming? Hurry, we'll be late."

"I'm here, let's go. Bye mom, don't forget to ring me if something's wrong also lock the door. Be careful."

"I will be careful, daughter. Do well in school, eat on time, I want you to focus on studies and not worry about me, you know I'll be alright."

"Okay mom, bye for now. We must go."

Naeun's POV :

I heard mom and Taeyong's talk, but not clearly and since I was sleepy I fell asleep.

At mornings I wake up alone most of the time. Taeyong is sleeping beauty haha.

Every time I feel worried about mom being so far from town, and spending time alone near that forest.

I gave her hug and I left with brother.

While walking I asked:

"Oppa, can we find some house to live in and if it's not expensive. I wouldn't mind if it's even smaller that the one we live in now. I am worried about mom being alone..."

"Sister, don't worry, you know that I'd never let something happens to mom, I'll look for something or ask if anyone knows for some house. I was also looking for something recently but I couldn't find one that we can afford. You know I barely earn for school. I'll ask uncle to help us out, since mom don't want to ask anyone for help. Don't tell her anything, okay?"

"Okay oppa, deal. Thank you." (I smiled)

Taeyong's POV :

Naeun seemed worried just as me, so I thought that it's great that we think same. Hopefully we'll be able to find something soon and live freely.

Soon I'll part ways with sister...

"See you little sister, text me when you're finished with school so I could pick you up."

"Okay, does mom know we'll come home late?"

"Sure, I told her, Mark will pick us up. He'll come too."

"Mark? That's great. See you, goodbye. Love you."

"Love you? haha Love you too, be careful."

I waved to her and she left.

/school finished/

"Yo Taeyong let's go, I hope this work will be great for you, like I've said it's better than your previous and the payment is great."

"I hope so too, Mark. Let's go. Is it near here?"

"Yes, it's 10 minutes away from here. I'm sure we'll be able to go at your place early."

"Okay bro, I'll just need to go in grocery store, cake shop and also to buy gift since it's Naeun's birthday today."

"Deal, we'll be fast."

We were just a moment | LEE TAEYONG Where stories live. Discover now