Do You Think I Will Find A Love Like You?

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A strong girl who has went thought alot such as her parents being killed by a Hater and tries to regain her trust in a person(any person) and meets this guy named Jacob and gets married but she is not sure she is ready to trust someone so important.She ends up marring Jacob and decides to stay with him  and onenight looks him in  the eyes and says "Do you think I will find a love like you?

  Years ago there was a girl named Stacey and she believed in trust and honesty  ,it just is in her blood . When she was six years old her grandmother and grandfather died in a car accident but she was still thankful for her parents still being here because those to are the only people she has left.

   One tragic thing happens...................

One day 21 year old   Stacey gets  a phone  call  saying HER PARENTS ARE DEAD,killed by a hater!! While crying in deep depression sickness ,she tries to fight it .

   A Year later.......

     A year later Stacey is over  its and becomes a doctor. One night her and her supporting friends go to a club and Stacey meets a guy named Jacob and it was love at first sight and they became best friends ( and when I say best friends I mean TIGHT friends!) they be gan talking to each other alot then became boyfriend and girlfriend  and moved in with each other (Jacob moves in with Stacey's mantion!)

    (PART TWO)

  Now back to the story being soooo in love with jacob she tries everything a woman would try to do LOVE AND LOVE HARD.So now she is thinking that she is ready to marry Jacob.One night Jacob ON ONE KNEE WILL YOU MARRY ME! She screams"YES!

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