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Chapter 1: Gravity

When we are born we are born with something that no other species can understand. We are not just born with physical and spiritual love but we are born with a symbol of it. And it's not the lump of flesh beating inside our breast. No, it has to do with the color of our eye.

When a member of the human race is born, he or she is born with one eye they're natural eye color. But the other eye is a symbol; a symbol in which hints toward you're soul mate. And although there are almost eight billion humans on this planet, you only have one soulmate and one life to find him or her. There may not be 7 billion colors in the world but there is more way to realize the eye you're staring into is the one.

No amount of science or conspiracy can exactly pinpoint why this is possible. Humans are known for their unquenchable lust for knowledge, but for whatever reason society leaves this subject at rest. Some say that god blessed and cursed the species by not allowing him or her to choose his own lover. Some says it's a chemical substance found in the oxygen we breathe and exhale. But everyone secretly acknowledges that it is one of the few things that no matter how much "evidence" you have; it cannot be explained.

This "symbol", this symbol of a lover's eye truly makes our society different than from what it was like before. Before our two eyes had the same color and we got to pick our lover. "Date" is a way out of date. Out of date by centuries. Now, humans with the "symbol" catch a glance at their lover and the two just suddenly click. Slowly after growing close, the bond severs their eye that reflects their lover's eye. Then the pair is instead connected by soul.

Young couples can do simple things, like ask their partner short question or pick up any stress radiating off them from a couple blocks away. But old couples can do unexplainable things. Old couples can have conversations in one another's head, sense wild or hurt emotions from their soulmate from anywhere on Earth, and even, and even just possibly, trade his or her own breathe for his or her lover. Yes, a soulmate can donate the remaining years of life to his or her special one.

Marriage is also another useless and old term now, only the oldest of old fashion perform this alien act.

Now we just let friends and families figure it out themselves.

But with all these miracles and hope comes a dark side. After all, every good thing has a mistake to it. The dark side of this "symbol" is one of the worst shades of black possible. Its color is darker than the night and cooler than winter. There is no light in this darkness; there is just hurtful, nipping black. The poor, poor, soul who gets this curse is truly, truly a sad person.

The sad, sad soul is a mistake. He or she is a freak of nature. He or she is a royal screw up. But at the same time he or she is such a brave soul for soldiering on through life.

This is the mistake of the "symbol". Instead of receiving the proper lover, you get mixed up. A simple and rare accident on nature's side. A deadly mistake nevertheless.

Either you or your soulmate will get the "symbol", but whoever does not get the symbol falls in love with another who already has a proper soulmate choose. The one who does not receive the symbol will naturally hate the lover who did get his or her symbol of romance. This hate is the vile and unforgiving hate. This is a hate that erupts volcanoes and tears away Earth itself. This hate is stronger than the densest metal and larger than creation.

This cause's such immense unhappiness for the unlucky two. For the one who gets stamped with the love has to chase someone who doesn't even like him or her as a person. The un-stamped lover, boy do things not work out for them. He or she will feel the click but the other person. The wrongly symboled lover will feel anger, exhaustion, depression, angst, or desperation. If by any chance he or she will try to call out the person they 'love" on it but typically that ends in chaos.

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