Chapter 1

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"Honestly Lux you have to understand I'm not doing this because I hate you but because I don't have a choice in the matter. Plus your mother is lonely and it would be good for the both of you to be together again. Over the last few years your relationship has been strained and for no good reason a young girl needs her mother and you need to overcome this fear of Havenwood once and for all." My father said sipping his coffee and reading a newspaper. 

I glared at him but I don't think he even realized that I was actually looking at him, who the hell even read a newspaper anymore? For such a serious topic you would think he would actually give me his full attention but than again it probably wasn't that serious because his mind was already made up and me arguing was just getting in the way of his weekend morning routine. To be honest I knew something was up when he hadn't gone into the office, although he technically didn't work weekends he still seemed to go into the office every day but as the CEO of his company he seemed to always be working, it was honestly just who he was and the reason my parents weren't together anymore. "I don't have a fear of Havenwood I just have zero desire to interact with anyone from there other than mom. It's not my fault she wanted to stay and works all the time. Plus with her working such crazy hours how is me living with her any better than being here?" I pushed knowing it was futile but figured I shouldn't go down without a fight. 

"Because I will be gone for six months on this trip for work and as a 17 year old you shouldn't be left alone that long. And before you even say it yes I trust you it isn't that." He finally looked at me, I was getting his CEO don't mess with me look though and I really hated that look. I broke first looking away playing with my long since soggy cereal that I just couldn't stomach. 

"What happens if going back triggers something, I know you all think I am ready but this just seems like so much. Too much, senior year was supposed to be fun. I have friends here real friends that I don't want to leave." I knew I sounded desperate but I was desperate.

"Your mother and I have both discussed this with your therapist and you are doing amazingly well Lux this is the last real hurdle you need to face its been 4 years Lux you have come so far and you can do this. You need to push past your anxiety and fears and deal with this like the smart young woman I know you are. You want to be treated like an adult but right now you are acting like a spoiled brat and honestly we should have pushed you to do this before now." He paused but I held my breath and waited for him to finish. " Your mother wants a real relationship with you again Lux will you really deny her that?  She let you leave, she let you live with me because she thought it was the only way to save you. Are you really going to punish her for that?" 

Damn dad way to lay on the guilt was all I could think and I did feel guilty, I missed mom over the last few years I had barely gotten to see her. Yes we texted and called and even face-timed but it wasn't the same we had been really close when I was younger and that was one of the things that had hurt us both so much. Because even though we had been so close I hadn't had the confidence or courage to tell her what I was going through and she hadn't noticed anything off with me until that horrific catalysis-tic night that changed all of our lives. "Fine your right I'm sorry I don't mean to be a brat, I do miss mom. I just really hope that I can handle this that these last four years have changed me enough." 

"You didn't need changing Lux just your mindset." He said softly, but than his phone rang and he was excusing himself like always. 

I couldn't remember a time in my life that any moment with my father wasn't interrupted with something. I dumped the stupid bowl of cereal in the sink and with a flick of the switch watched the garbage disposal destroy it. Knowing that he wouldn't be around I went to get my phone and talk to someone who would be sympathetic to my new found situation, having already gone this whole conversation with dad without it kind of made me feel like I was missing a part of myself. I had planned on taking my cereal back to my room but when I saw dad in the kitchen all my plans fled and instead I was seated at the island with him and he was informing me of my new soul crushing reality. But my best friend Cara would be sad with me together we could wallow in the self pity at least until it was time for me to leave that was. I just hoped that Cara would still be my ear to cry to when I was gone, I don't think I could handle loosing my best friend even if we were going to be living six hours apart. 

****Authors Note*****

Alright my lovely's that is chapter 1 complete i know it doesn't offer a lot of sustenance and leaves a lot of questions but gotta have a hook and all that right? don't worry chapter two dives more into Lux's life and I will continue to publish chapters as fast as i can! But please read comment share and like or don't like you do you! 

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