New school

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm and to my dog licking my face. I got up took a shower did my face routine and makeup.


Ur clothes

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Ur clothes

Ur clothes

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Ur hair

You didn't need makeup so you had natural beauty

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You didn't need makeup so you had natural beauty.

So you were very anti-social and didn't talk to anyone until you met Jen

She was sitting alone in the lunch room with no lunch money and u happen to have 5 dollar so you go over to help

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She was sitting alone in the lunch room with no lunch money and u happen to have 5 dollar so you go over to help.
Y= you

Y-hey why don't u have lunch
J-cuz i dont have any money
Y-well i think i can help
J- really thanks
Y-np hey btw your really pretty
J-thxs so are u
Y- so are you new here
The bell rang and you both have to get to class.
J-what class do u have first
Y-english wbu
Lets go u say walking out of the lunch room
You were walking down the hallway until you see a pretty lightskin girl whos name is Emberly

J-what class do u have first Y-english wbu J-same Lets go u say walking out of the lunch roomYou were walking down the hallway until you see a pretty lightskin girl whos name is Emberly

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You all had a long conversation and had 1,2,3,5,and 6 period together
And got to know a lot about each other. You all became official friends until you guys bumped in to another friend group but they were all guys.


Excuse any wrong spelling

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