where it began

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Castiel eyes flutter open and he look over to his window to see the sun "I hate mornings " he mubbled to himself as he head to the bathroom to brush his teeth and got dressed for school. Once he made it outside he gave his wings air to breathe before shortly takeing of he smiled seeing his bestfriend anna flying behind him she caught up to him and pulled his backpack

"Castiel what have I told you about flying so fast your going to Get hit by a plane " she said. With a smrik on her face the wind blew her gigner hair back with her blue eyes sparkling and bright as the seas back on earth . castiel looked back at her slowing down "wouldn't you get hit with me since your trying to stop. Me " she bite her lip trying to find a response. And got nothing and then she smile looking at there school it was beautiful it had golden gates saying "angel school for the gifted " castiel. Landed as ana landed right next to. Him they both walked to see where the first class would be for there sphomore year high school as they went to find the board with. There classes on it. "Umm... ana I found are first period it. Soward fighting " castiel turned to her

Seeing she had flew off and out of school "really ana its a new year " he said with a sad face but his dark brown eyes almost black looked like light brown from that angle from the sun and he had a brush cut with his eyebrows cut with 3 slashes in them and his darkskin match perfectly .

He decided to walk to soward fighting and he was clealry lost in his thoughts when ran in to the boy his same hight " och" castiel rubbed his head

The boy rubbed his forehead "are u castiel " he looked at castiel as if he already knows the answer "yes and your the kid that ran in to me just now" he said with anoyance

"My name is peter" peter had brown hair a near perfect smile and it was clearly seen he works out and his eyes were just born light brown unlike castiel

"Nice meeting you peter but I got to go class so later " but castiel knew he knows this boy he couldn't shake it off and he had 2 mins still. Left to reach class and he darted up flew at a fast speed to reach there .

Once he got there ana had returned "dont be upset with my castiel okay ". He would have answerd but at that moment he relized who peter was.

"Ana its a now year let jack as go " she look confused by my comment  completely

Since her and castiel have been beatfrirnds since there feshmen year.    It wasnt un natural  for him. To talk blut  about there issue , he's more of the social  one and she the shy one of the friend ship so he makes it  his duty to make sure she has friend in classes hes not in .

All the talking stop when there head master  walked in being her self she was over dressed like she lived in the captal from the hunger games  with her dress that seemed to be made of real trees  

"Hello students im your head master ms.care as you all know you girls and boy have been sent hear because of your powers you all have  from your blood we tock when you were a child  needles to say but hear you will fine  4 orbs fire, earth, water, air,    they orbs well mark your skin  with the  elements mark   you had numbers sent to your home about a week ago pull thoes cards and get in line  " she smiled as she shimmerd  and  dissappears   the students  began to get in line.

"Good luck ana "

"You two   castiel  " 

He watch her  get lost in the  sea of people  he smiled and got in his place   it started and saw as the orbs touch  the people skin marking them  with there symbol and castiel could see ana going as the  water orb  circled aroune her makeing  her hair blow  up but it stayed dryed  and it put it smybol on her arm and she smiled at me as  she flew to sit with all the water users   he was happy to see her  talking to new people

"Finnaly me being loud payed off too her. " he smiled and  It was his turn  to what his power is   at first nothing happen .

" I think they stop working " he said at one of the teachers   and castiel was going to leave to sit when the orbs glowed and all. 4 elements  orbs glowed and they  circled.  Him and he got all 4 marks on him.  And the orbs went back to there places and ever  one looked at him.

"Wow what just happend "  he started to shimmer like th head master and he appred in her  office .

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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