Running with the Wolf

22 3 1

Hope POV


"Run!" said a deep male voice.

I followed him close behind. Where was I? The realization hit me like a slap in the face, another robbery.

"Follow me! Quick, before they catch us!" came again.

We ran down a dark alleyway that led to a brick wall. The wall was too high to climb, there was definitely no way under, how were we going to escape this time?

"Where do we go?" I whisper.

"Shush, Hope, be quiet, they might find us." The man said.

"We're trapped! How and where will we go?" I repeat.

"Shh, just trust me," The man said in a tense manner.

I'm silent. I listen with my big ears. I smelled with my nose to see if anyone was near. No one on their way here, but I smell a lot of people inside the building we just robbed.

"I smell loads of people in the building," I say.

"Are you positive they aren't coming here?" he says with desperation.

"Yes." I pronounce, proud of my powers once again.

We escape through a secret passageway hidden within the brick wall. I thought there was something up with the way the wall was placed. My tail sways in the breeze. I breathe in the cool night air, again, to acknowledge we have robbed yet another home.

"Nice work, Hope," said the man, after we made it back to the base.

"Thanks, William," I reply.

"You know I don't like it when you say my real name, Hope," William said.

"Oh I know alright, last time I did that during a robbery, you literally beat me up," I state.

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that," he said.

"It's fine, I understand why you did it," I reply.

"Well better get some sleep, you need rest for tomorrow," William said to me.

"Yes, Will," I say with a chuckle because I know he hates that nickname.

William moans," Just go to bed already,"

"Alright," I say, heading toward my room.


Just as I wake up, I begin to hear sirens. I jump out of bed and rush to the window to see the commotion. There are several police cars outside our house. I rush to William's room to see him pacing about.

"What happened?!" I shout at him as soon as I rush in.

I catch him off guard and he jumps at me with a knife, but because he is skilled he quickly withdraws his attack.

"Don't you dare do that again, you could have died!" He shouted back.

"Sorry, I'm just really worried, what the hell is happening outside?!"I say.

"The police found us! We must escape once more!" He rushes at me and grabs my arm.

"Help me think of an escape plan," William says.

"Ok, let's do this," I say.


After a decent amount of time, we decide on an escape plan. We decide on an escape route through the basement, and then we'll get out of the country to live somewhere else, it's still to be decided, but we will stay in one of our other properties just on the edge of the country.

"Sounds good." William states.

"Of course, Dumbass." I joke.

"Oh, ha-ha," William says sarcastically.

I giggle," Let's get going then," I say just as we finish packing.

"How have they not broken in to take us away yet? I thought they were allowed to break into houses if someone committed a crime was inside to arrest them?" I say to change the mood.

"Yes, but they don't know which house in the neighbourhood has the criminals in it so we should be okay if we aren't spotted during our escape," William explains.

"Ah yes, that makes more sense," I say.

As we make our way out, we spot the police officers interviewing a tall man. I recognise him. He's our old partner in crime! Oh no! I think he spotted me!

"Run!" I whisper to William, as I see him running towards us.

"Is everything alright?" William says with a scared and shaken voice.

"I saw Liam!" I say out of breath, still running in the opposite direction of Liam.

"I knew I smelt something familiar whilst we were planning!" William states.

"Why didn't you say! We could have figured it out sooner and got out easier!" I snap at him in a whisper.

"Sorry I thought it was nothing, it doesn't matter, now he's seen you, now we need to get away." He says.

"There!" shouts a deep husky voice; Liam.

"Oh shit no," I say," Go, Go, Go!" I whisper as quietly as possible.

We run until our legs can't take us any further. I'm exhausted I think to myself, panting.

"Did we lose them?" I whisper, just to make sure they couldn't hear us if they were near.

"Maybe," William said.

We listen for around 30 minutes just to be sure we are safe.

"I think we lost 'em," said William.

"Yes I think so too," I said, as my eyes met his.

As we gazed into each other's eyes, we slowly but surely moved closer to each other. We were close even though we might as well be kissing. Just as we were about to press our lips together, we both heard ruffling inside the bushes. Then came loud voices.

"We have to be close by," said a woman.

"Of course we are nearby, the tracker never lies." said a man.

Williams' eyes and mine met again, but this time his eyes were full of fear. Unlike a few seconds ago his eyes were full of passion. I put my hand to his lips. I shushed him with my finger and began to search my clothes for a tracker, as I overheard the man.

As expected I found a tracker on my jacket hood. I crush it between my fingers. William is also searching for a tracker. He found one as well, on his shirt collar.

"Blast! Should have thought of that," William states.

"C'mon we have no time for that, let's get out of here!" I whisper.

We slowly walk away from the voices and come to a dirt road. Almost home, I thought.

"This has been one hell of an adventure, hasn't it?" William chuckles.

"Why yes, it has been!" I laugh.

"What do you want to do after we get out of the country?" William asks.

" If I have to be honest, I want to stop robbing, at all costs," I say proudly.

"I mean I guess we should stop, we almost got caught just then, but how will we survive?"

" We could get a job and sell our other properties for money to buy a new one," I say.

"That's a decent plan," William says.

" We should also alert our other partners in crime we quit," I say to him.

"Yes we should," he replies

"Hey, William?" I ask.

"Mhm?" William replies.

"Why don't we run away and start a life together?" I ask, scared to know his answer.

"I'd love to!" He answers.

We walk into the distance hand in hand. Knowing that we will no longer be bad people. We will live, laugh, and live happily ever after.

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