Coming home

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Your point of view:
It's been several months since Chris and I have been home at the same time so I'm kind of excited
to be able to see my baby. I just want to be able to get the best of the time we have together so I made this delicious meal and set out his favorite movies for us to watch tonight. His flight from Miami should have landed already and he doesn't know that I'm in early so I really can't wait to surprise him!

Yn ( your name) : *hears keys in the door *

Chris: * walks inside the house and sees you * BABY!! * he drops his bags and runs over to you picking you up and hugging you* Oh my god I missed you!

Yn: * while smiling and holding on around his neck * Baby, I never want to leave you that long ever again!!

Chris: * while putting you down slowly * I know, a year was too much! But, I do have a surprise for you!

Yn: what is it? * you say while walking over to the front door and closing it. *

Chris: * he walks over and joins hands with you * I didn't take the offer for the next tour in Paris; I want to stay home with you and start a family.

Yn: * while staring to shed tears * Babe you're kidding me!!

Chris: * he whips your tears away * No, being away from you for that long was way to much and I think it's about time for us to start a family... Well, that's only if you're ready.

Yn: * you hung him and then look him in his eyes * you are so amazing! And yes I'm ready!!

- sorry this chapter is short the next one will be wayyy longer - hope you enjoyed!

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