things you probably didnt notice

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So this chapter is going to ge about about things you probably didnt notice with this story


the biggest one is the Rose pictures  I put at the top of the chapters. You may have noticed I put them there but you probably didnt notice that I put them in backwards rainbow order going from purple-red.


When I was writing the chapters (or most of them) when y/n was talking i put it in a past perspective as if she was telling a story. Like: was, before i didnt, and stuff like that.

And finally


At the end of every chapter or the last part of a series of parts to a chapter I put a very detailed description about the stuff y/n brought to kunimis grave and based it on what kunimi was like.

Like kunimi was the sun


Kunimi was like a rose

And so on.

Anyways that's all! Bye!

As The Rain Falls So Do I (kunimi x Female reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now