Falling Down

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I have been told all my life that fear was my enemy. I knew it was true. Yet all I ever was, was afraid. I couldn't help it. The nightmare had almost broke me enough, that I might not have been able to go another day. I had to keep going. For Anna. I was walking to my window when a note slipped under my door. I went over and picked it up. My parents had recently left to go to my cousin, Rapunzel's, wedding. I missed them. I read the note. It said:

Dear Elsa,
                   We are very sorry to have to tell you that your parents have died. The ship they were on had sunk durning a bad storm at sea. There was no way for them to escape. The funeral will be at 8:00 P.M. if you would like to come. We give you our condolences.
                                                                                       The Palace Staff

No! They can't be dead! How could they say they would be back, and never return? I knew I had to calm down. How could I calm down!? My dad had died! He was the biggest influence in my life. He kept me from feeling afraid all the time. Without him, I am just a big ball of fear. I went over to the window. It started to frost on the outside again. I didn't back away this time. I was going to go to the funeral, but not be seen. I broke my window with some ice. I turned away, so it didn't cut me. I walked to the window and climbed out. The roof was covered in snow. Foot steps were on the roof. I will investigate that tomorrow. I walked carefully to the edge of the roof.

"Great." I muttered to myself.

I sat down, my feet dangling off the edge. I felt a cool breeze blow against me. I looked around. No one way there. There wasn't a breeze before. Whatever. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and stood up. I got a good nlook in the light of who it was. Oh no! It can't be! The man from my nightmares! I backed up. I forgot I was at the edge of the roof and my foot went over the edge. I was falling. Falling to my death. I was prepared for the landing. I had my eyes shut and was very afraid. Goodbye Anna. I will miss your singing. I am going to be with father and mother now. Goodbye Anna. Goodbye. I was prepared to hit the ground, when I was swooped up by air. What? How is that possible!? The wind led me to Tue roof again. I was back outside my window. I wasn't going to the funeral. I decided against it. I went into my room and put ice were the window should be. It was thin ice, so I could see outside. I went to sit on my bed. I sat down and felt something under me. I stood up and grabbed it. It was a book. The cover said, THE TALES OF JACK FROST. Jack Frost? Who was he? I opened the book to the first page and started to read. Jack Frost was a spirit who had the same powers as me. I wished he was real. Of only... I suddenly heard a knock at my door. I went and stood in front of the door. There was only three knocks. Anna must have just gotten back from the funeral.

"Elsa. Please. I know your in there. People are asking where you've been. They say 'have courage' and I'm trying to, I'm right put here for you just let me in. We only have each other, its just you and me. What are we gonna do?"

I started to cry. I was sitting with my back against the door at this point.  I almost didn't hear Anna say,

"Do you want to build a snowman?"

Her voice was cracking. My room had become a frosty mess. I heard a knock at my window. I flung ice at the window, causing it to break again. I walked straight to it and stopped in my tracks. A boy was standing at my window. He smiled a little smile.

"Hi. I'm Jack Frost."

Hey guys! So Jack is now believed in by Elsa!! She also saw Pitch in real life! Oh no! I can't be sad about that, because I love him. The picture above is of Elsa meeting Jack. The video is of Elsa and Jack. Don't forget to comment, vote, and subscribe!


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