Collins first day of school (filler)

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Collins alarm clock rang at 6:00 in the morning. Collin wake up, it's time for school. Said Preston. I-I don't think I'm ready,I'm not ready to be around human beings.what will they think of me? Said Collin. Collin, us humans have to go through that as well,not just you. We've been going through it since the beginning of time. I'm sure you'll make friends some how. Said Preston. Collin sighed and got up. He pushed the button on the hologram. Good morning , Collin. Said his space mom. Morning mom. Said Collin. Hello,Preston. Said his space dad. Hi. Said Preston. I'm kind of scared right now,mom. Said Collin. What's wrong? Said his space mom. Well,my cousin izaka said he'll destroy earth if he doesn't get the zeo crystal by December 21st,2012. And I also have school but I need to train and get on his level of strength to beat him. Said Collin. Collin,izaka doesn't play around. He doesn't bluff he's being serious. Said his space dad. What?! Said Collin. Your cousin is dangerous. Said his space brother. He destroyed multiple planets. He's a part of the bad side of our planet and so is his family. When he says he's going to destroy earth he means it. Said his space sister. A shiver went down Collins spine. Mom,where is he now? Said Collin. He's somewhere on earth probably. Collin turned off the hologram and flew out the window. Collin the bus will be here soon! Said Preston. The bus can wait! I have to find izaka! Said Collin. Preston sighed. Preston where's Collin?! Said his dad. He went out to find izaka,his evil cousin. Said Preston. Really? Now? Said his dad. Yeah. Said Preston. Oh dear god. Said his dad. Get in the car we have to stop him! Said his dad. Your mom sister and brother is coming as well. Said his dad. Ok. Said Preston. Collin flew over a city consort  and found izaka waiting behind the stage. Izaka reaches his hand out and destroyed the set! NOOOO!!!! yelled Collin. So, you've decided to come? Said izaka. Two more people were with him. Izaka! I won't let you get away with this! Those were innocent lives you just took! Said Collin. Collin, mortals aren't innocent at all and you know it. Izaka flew into the heart of time square. Get back here! Collin flew after him. Izaka flew all the way up to the Empire State Building. Izaka destroyed half of time square. Collin finally caught up to him and threw him down. Collin turned around and there was missles pointed at him. We will kill everything on this worthless space rock! Said the solider. They tried to destroy the rest of time square but Collin put a force filed around it. It destroyed his body instead. Collin fell to the ground. But Collins body healed himself! Collin blasted the ship out of the air. I'll let you live this time, cousin. Thought izaka. Collin fell to the ground.  Collin! Said his mom running up to him. Collin woke up. What happened. I- I'm so glad your ok! Said his mom hugging him. Uhhh. I love you too,mom. Said Collin. Collin you might have won this morning, but this is just the beginning, you also still have school. Said his dad. Oh yeah I forgot about school! Said Collin. You need to get dressed. Said his mom. Ok! Said Collin. He ran back to his house to change and he ran back. He has super speed too?! What power doesn't he have? Said his sister. Collin got to school on time. Ok,what's my first class. Collin looked at his paper. Shit I have math first,ugh oh well. Said Collin. Collin took  a step into the school. Collin took one peak up and people wear staring at him. Why are people staring at me? Thought Collin. Collin put his head back down and continued walking. He opened the door to math class. Oh uh class this is our new student,Collin! Now he's not from around here, he's from Hawaii! Said the teacher. Hi. Said Collin nervously. Go take a seat. Said the teacher. The class went by quickly and so did the other ones to come. It was lunch time now, they had hamburgers for lunch but Collin packed his own lunch. Hey Collin. Said a kid at a table filled with boys. Uh hi. Said Collin. Wanna come sit other here with us? Said the boy. Y-yeah sure I guess. He pulled off his hood. My god you have long hair. Said another boy. I was born with this hair. Said Collin. How are you born with hair? Said boy #4. I just was. Said Collin. Your kind of weird. Said boy #5 wearing a jersey. Sorry. Said Collin. Collin used his x-Ray vision to look around the school. I don't think you should have that. Said Collin to boy #2. Have what? Said boy #2 that sugar in the ziplock bag. I don't think you should have it. Said Collin. How'd you know? Said boy #2. I looked under the table. Do you want it? Said boy #2. I-I don't do drugs. Said Collin. Pht. Lame. Said boy #9. It's bad for my body. I might die if I do them. Said Collin. The bell rang singling lunch is over. The school went outside for recess. Hey loser! Said a kid and his gang. Collin turned around. The kid tried to punch Collin but Collin blocked the punch! It made the whole playground shake! I knew it was you. Said the kid. The kid turned into a robot monster. Collin stepped back in fear. How'd you find me?! Said Collin. I can smell your energy. Said the robotic monster. His arm turned into a laser and zapped Collin. Collin screamed in pain. The whole school came to the fight. Collin was still screaming in pain will getting zapped with drugs. You should've never said your weakness allowed you fool! Collin tried to resist it.  He tried to fight it. He was pounding the ground. He reached out his other arm witch turned into a flame thrower. Collin tried to reach his arm to shot ice at it. Collin got so weak that he flew back into a school putting a hole into the building. The robotic monster shot more fire at Collin and zapped him more. Collin used his fire eyes and hands to fight back. So you finally fight back! Said the robotic monster. The monster flew towards Collin and knees him in the stomach making him cough up blood. Collin got thrown back and forth repeatedly. His shirt got ripped off of him. Now you die! Said the monster. Before he tried to kill Collin more fire came at the monster. The monster threw Collin down. Ah jadien shiba, the red samurai ranger. I knew you'd show up any timing. Your days for killing is over. Said jaiden. Let's take this some where else shall we? Said the monster. Fine with me. Said jaiden. The flew to a place far away from the school. Collin! Are you ok are you hurt?! Said the nurse. It feels like my spine has just been ripped out of my body. And my arm feels like it's not there. That's because your arm is gone Collin. I'm sorry I put you guys in danger,it was my fault. Said Collin. It's ok, we all know you didn't do this on purpose. Said the principal the day went on regularly and Collin got his new right arm. Hey dude! Said the boy from the lunch table. Oh hi. Said Collin. Your really strong! Said the boy. Yeah I know, I get that a lot. Said Collin. Collin looked at his watch and saw that the bus is almost here. The bus came a little late because there was a megazord fight. The samurai rangers has just defeated the robot monster. Collins got home a few hours. Collin how was your day? Said his mom. It was interesting. Said Collin. I did make some friends. But now I have to focus on izaka. Said Collin. TO BE CONTINUED

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