twentythree point one.

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The dining hall's not full. That's not unusual.

What's unusual is, " So Atsumu-senpai, when did you start playing volleyball?" Hyori asked, sitting more closer to Atsumu, unconsciously making him uncomfortable. Atsumu glanced at the ginger but Shoyo's just normally feeding him and his sister, Natsu's clingy again since she barely got time to spare with her brother.

" I started when I was like, in middle school? I guess." He simple replied and shoved a spoonful of pork and rice in his mouth.

" Oh~ same! I started when I was in middle school but I stopped cause it's getting boring," Some of the players sitting flinched. I mean, someone said volleyball is boring, and that offended them. Especially Shoyo, " No offense! It's just my opinion."

What they didn't know is that is what Hyori's intention is. To push a certain button in Shoyo.

Then please keep your opinion to yourself. Tsukishima said in his mind, It's petty. He added.

" Oh Osamu-senpai! Do you want some more?" Hyori asked, offering the plate full of Onigiri. Osamu politely declined, much to Hyori's dismay. But she keep trying, more like forcing Osamu to get the food.

With a small sigh, Osamu took the plate and placed it beside his empty one. Osamu took a bite of the Onigiri, but he choked it out when Atsumu teased him,

" You'll get fat, 'Samu~." Atsumu said, causing some of them to snicker, " Shut up, 'Tsumu."

Then, they again have their own conversation, mostly talking to Shoyo, which irritated Hyori much. Especially seeing Atsumu and Shoyo so close to each other. Out of all the players, she took a liking to Atsumu. Not because of his personality, but because of his appearance and his voice. Putting all her plans for the ginger, she also plans to make Atsumu hers. If not, then his twin instead.

Hanato Hyori. If you guys remember Seijuro, she is Hanato Seijuro's older sister. Appears to be very very flirtatious and slutty. Even with though she's one of those people, she is also smart. Last but not the least, she is Ukai's relative's daughter.

" I almost forgot! Shoyo-senpai, Ukai-san wants to meet you after lunch." Hyori said, barely even looking at Shoyo as her eyes are fixated on the bicolor beside the ginger.

" Okay, but where should I meet him?" Shoyo asked. Hearing his voice, Hyori cringed. She thought that Shoyo's trying too hard and that he's using that kind of tone to get all the boys wrap around his finger.

I hate that kind of tone the most. Hyori said in her mind, mentally vomiting.

" At the gym." She replied. Shoyo nodded his head and went back to the conversation with the others. Hyori clicked her tongue but a small smirk quickly went up to her lips. I don't know why, her thoughts paused,

Shifting her eyes from the bicolored hair, she stares at the ginger, cringing at the scene of Shoyo laughing with the others, his voice ringing in her head,

But I'm starting to despise you.

After lunch, half of the team players insisted on escorting the ginger to the gym, worrying that he might suddenly faint with just a single push. I mean, yeah he can now walk steadily, but his fever had gotten higher again now that he went outside his room.

" Really, I can go there alone. You guys rest. Okay?" Shoyo said, slowly letting go of Kenma's hand. The others sigh and waved at him 'see you later'. He smiled at them, waved his hand softly and walk away.

As soon as he's out of their sight, they heard a sniffle. All their heads turn behind.

" He's growing up so fast. He's supposed to be my baby!" Sugawara exclaimed, wiping his crocodile tears. The others laughed at him, teased him while making their way to their own room.

Hmm. Why the gym, though? Shoyo asked in his head, his figure closing to the gym door, his slow footsteps echoing in the hallway.

" My head hurts." No kidding. Shoyo winced, his left hand massaging his temple.

" You really came?" Not even close to gym's door, someone spoke. Turning his head to the left, he saw Hyori leaning against the wall.

" Hyori-san? Nice to see you again." Shoyo greeted, but Hyori only replied back with a crunched up face, " 'Hyori-san?' my ass. Will you stop with that kind of tone? It's really not very nice to hear."

What's up with her all of a sudden? Shoyo only looked at her with a confused face.

" Tsk. Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi, Kageyama, Oikawa, Kenma, Tsukishima, Suna, Ushijima, . . " She mention the names she could remember, she could think of.

What is this, a roll call? Shoyo said in his mind, watching the girl circling him, her hand sometimes brushing the ends of his orange hair, sometimes sliding down to his shoulder and to his forehand, feeling the soft texture of his skin. It only made the both of them cringe. Shoyo because their situation right now is kind of embarrassing, Hyori because she hates the fact his skin his more smooth, fair, and lively than hers.

" . . . . Konoha, and last but not the least, Atsumu-senpai. " She whispered the last name to his ear, her breath tickling the back of his ear. She leaned back and stood in front of the ginger, looking down at him, " You got all of them wrapped around your dirty finger. What are you? Some kind of heather?"

Heather? Is that some kind of insult? Cause it's seems like coming from her. Shoyo thought, completely confused at what situation he is in.

" You're prolly confuse right now. At what's happening. But putting all those aside, let me tell you something." She said, her voice pausing for a bit.

Walking closer to the ginger, she lean down to the shorter boy, " Stay away from them. Especially from Atsumu. We don't want them to get hurt, now do we?"

" Now that you said that, Hyori-san, you kinda remind me of someone I didn't know I really hate with my life." Shoyo talked back.

𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲. 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫.

To be continued . . .

𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔨 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔦𝔫𝔤

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