One Fine Night (TaeMin) Oneshot

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He had meant to have a peaceful hunt... He was to swoop in, grab the first human he could see, preferably in a darkened alley way, where curious eyes would not fall to him. But alas, the odds were never in his favour and as he caught sight of his victim he was unceremoniously distracted by a fragrance so sweet he would have gagged had he been mortal.

Swiveling around he caught sight of a young lady, with a dress whose skirts fell to her ankles and the sleeves wrapped delicately around her shoulders. She held a basket between her hands, locks of hair brushing the tops of her shoulders. A smile much to bright for the darkness of the night concealing him pushed her dimples deep into her cheeks. The sole light of the lantern by her made it all the more radiant.

Her most stunning feature was not the eyes, nor the hair or the gracefulness in her steps, however. TaeMin was the only one able to feel it. The pulse beneath the silver skin. Under her angled jawline, pulsing strongly but barely noticeable to the human eye. And as that pulse helped the distribution of blood throughout her body he felt his vampire instincts kick into over drive.

Suddenly his nose was sharpened to the smell of her blood only. The man he'd fixed as his meal earlier was but a glitch in the back of his mind. This girl... She was... The dessert many longed for. And here she was, waiting to be preyed on.

It was almost too easy. So easy that it may have appeared as a trap, but who had time to think of that. He was a rabid dog with a piece of raw meat dangling in front of his face. One never let that opportunity to feast slip out from underneath them.

Slowly he slunk in the shadows, creeping closer and closer to the girl. She carried on as she was, unaware of his presence. The closer TaeMin got the sharper the details on her became. The arch of her eyebrows as she found an item she particularly liked. The bobbing in her throat as she swallowed.      

The wind picked up, shifted to wash over him, carrying with it the sugar sweetened smell of blood.

It was then that TaeMin lost it, lunging out from where he'd been hidden and taking the girl on from the front. A hurl blew out of her throat, piercing the tuned ears pertaining to TaeMin. He hardly flinched, though, trapping her within his arms. The woven basket fell to the floor, letting loose an array of wildflowers and a loaf of bread along with a carton of goat's milk.

"P-please don't," she whimpered seconds before TaeMin could even sink the tips of his fangs into her neck. "Please... I have a family. I-I have siblings to care for. P-please spare me..."

Her voice was a little whimper, only audible to TaeMin. The vampire boy pressed his fangs into the top layer of skin, drawing enough blood to give him a taste. The rivulets that escaped him he lapped up with his tongue, unwilling to let anything go to waste. But unlike his other meals and snacks he hesitated. All of his instincts were screaming to take her, to snap her neck and suck up the last life that pulsed inside afterwards. But...        

"P-p-please. I-I'm begging you, s-s-s-spare me," she continued, weeping now. The lantern above flickered and for a second TaeMin saw the girl's face through human eyes. She was no longer a cornucopia of colours calling out to her. She was no longer a latticework of veins beckoning to him but a frail girl, running late errands to support a family that had most likely been orphaned. She was not a juicy steak but a young woman with the beauty surpassing the queen that lurked in the pits of Hell.

And then a hole opened in his stomach. Flesh that had already been empty of life burned and screeched as it died. He keeled over, hands scraping to keep his abdomen from falling apart.

The girl smirked from above him, placing a foot on his forehead and kicking him off.       

"I've been waiting for you a long time vampire," she said, her once warm eyes that had been begging for mercy frosting over. A sardonic look twisted her delicate features into something unsuitable of a girl like her. "Your days of terrorizing are over..." she announced.

But TaeMin, though weak, was still much too fast for her and he moved out of her reach. With an inhuman speed he trapped her hands behind her back, fangs once again pressed to the puncture marks he'd made.

"You've been mistaken m'lady," he taunted in an overly formal voice. "What I pin as my feast either becomes my sleep or my devoted slave. Your actions have cost you more than a life, they've cost you everything," he whispered, allowing himself another taste of the blood before disappearing into the darkness. It wasn't until he'd found the comfort of the shadows again that he watched the girl raise a hand to her bleeding neck curiously. She stared at the blood covered fingers, eyes slit in confusion.

Oh she would understand soon, he thought. So very, very soon...

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