Intro and Rules

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Hi! I'm Hunter! I like FNAF so I decided to make a Roleplay for it! In the rules, there is a password. It will be enclosed by { } so keep a lookout for them (Example- {Hello}). It will be made into a sentence when put together. Write in the comment for the password and you will also need to look out for a secret word (The secret word is not enclosed by { }). Here are the rules!

1. No inappropriate /content 13+ stuff.

2. Don't bully, harass and have drama with anyone and in any way shape or form.

3. No incest. {What}

4. Respect the Co-Hosts and Host. (I will choose the co-host, they will help sort things out when I'm not there.)

5. Don't be overpowered. {Is} (It will just take the fun out of this)

6. Meow! Cussing is a minimum. (No swearing offensively at others)

7. No spamming. (write what you want to write in one post.)

8. {Your} Find the password and secret word yourself.

9. Don't railroad people's character. (Which practically means don't control other peoples characters)

10. Don't bring depression, abuse and suicide into the chat. {Favourite} Some people can get triggered.

11. No racism and sexism.

12. Please don't talk trash about religious topics.

13. Please don't use any racial slurs.

14. Please don't ask for {kind} any personal information at all.

15. Please don't kill someone's character without permission.

16. No T or D or anything against the guidelines (You can only do T or D if it is part of a roleplay and is accepted by either me or a Co-Host.)

17. You are allowed to burn down the Pizzeria, only if everyone in the Roleplay agrees, if it's an even amount of votes for 'Yes' and 'No' get a Co-Host to break the tie by asking them to either say 'Yes' to burning it down or 'No' to not burn it down. {of}


19. No one hit Ko's

20. The Hosts and The Co-Hosts word is considered the law, listen to them, and respect them.

21. {Animal?} No killing off other people's characters without permission, it can be irritating to the other roleplayer, because you can't exactly do anything if you have no character to play.

Right in the comments if you want a rule added, I will either accept it or decline it. Also, write if you feel uncomfortable with one of the rules, write in the rule number in the comment and I can see if I can shift it a bit. (Example- Hi, I feel uncomfortable with rule number 4. Can you maybe shift it a little?)

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