-Day 1-

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Heads up: these guys are aged up and are now around their 20's, Updates are irregular.

"So you're gonna need to watch out for him"


"Are you kidding me, Kota? I've already told you the newest member of the pro heroes team is extremely violent and all over the place! you've got to be more observant of what Im saying!" Twice was ranting and raving about in the alley we were standing in as  I frowned at him.

yeah maybe I had a rubbish memory but hey! Getting pretzels was far more important okay?

Besides my quirk makes things extra handy, I have four long black tentacles that can sprout from my back at any time I please, the ends of them can shift into somewhat of a hand and I can easily pick things up and use them like stilts to hoist myself above others.

Climbing's a cinch and I can easily harden the ends of them and smash through walls. They are a little sensitive but only to human touch so breaking things and getting them cut does little to nothing to me in the long run.

"Alright, alright just listen to me okay? or Tomura is going to kick my ass!" he exclaimed in his usual higher almost playful sounding pitch. I let out a laugh and shook my head "I wouldn't let him trust me, Twice I've got this"

"Okay, you've got this! of course, you do" he chuckled nervously and adjusted the white crisp collar of my white button-up around my neck gulping nervously under his suit. I placed my hands on his shoulders and pursed my lips my short-cropped black hair cut off at my jaw.

I stared at him hard with my dull green eyes and blinked, Twice was like the father I never had, I always looked out for him especially when his mask was torn and he went awry. "alright off you go then kid" He patted my shoulder and I went to walk past him when he stopped me.

"Let me just... take a measurement in case I need to switch you out" I huffed and shifted my weight crossing my arms over my shirt letting him take the tape from his wrist and go from my black heel, past my black pencil skirt that cut at my knees up to my head.

I gave him a deadpanned look as he nodded and muttered to himself. "Hey, Jin look at me," I said and the white circles of the eyes of his mask connected with mine. "I'll be fine, and what did I tell you about contradicting yourself? you need to take it easy"

I could practically see the smile under his mask as he nodded "you're right thank you, Kota, be safe I'll wait in the villain den for you when you're done at least maybe drop a text?" 

I nodded with a smile "of course"

and with that we parted ways, I adjusted my outfit before letting my heels guide me toward the local cafe where I would be supposedly meeting this new pro hero and hopefully catch his attention. 

The mission was to lure this pro hero into my father's trap, he plans to remove the pro heroes one by one, where he failed last time. All might was dead, natural causes the news pronounced a few years ago but father only chuckled to himself shaking his head at the time when he found out.

He knew something I did not, the real reason All might have died so soon. 

But he didnt tell me, so I didnt bother asking. However, now he was more determined than ever to remove the current pro heroes. I was assigned to trick and manipulate Ground Zero he called himself.

I breathed out and clicked my neck a couple of times as I entered the shop gaining my composure, the smell of coffee hit my nostrils instantly drawing me forward. I could really use a straight black right about now.

But I was stopped when someone shoved past me from behind "move it dim wit" I blinked back into reality to see the back of a tall muscled figure in front of me. A black suit cut off at the elbows looking somewhat like a singlet stuck to the back of his form.

His head bearing ash-blonde spiky hair that looked like a pin cushion and untouchable. I frowned, how is it sticking like that?

Does he twirl each strand to get it to spike like that or-

"The hell are you staring at? I can feel your stupid eyes watching me" He turned slightly narrowing a deep crimson eye and I found myself raising a brow.

"You just answered your own question"

"what?" He snapped frowning as if not comprehending I even replied to him. A few murmurs broke out around us 

"Did she just talk back to Ground Zero?"

"do you think he'll blow the place up like last time this happened?"

"I think you heard what I said" I shrugged and stepped around then in front of him just as the customer in front of me stepped away with her drink in hand.

I ignored the sparks and growling radiating off of the man behind me as I smiled warmly at the woman with long blonde hair and a petite figure at the counter who had wide blue eyes focused on him.

"Hi I'll take a straight black please"

She gulped before nodding absentmindedly still distracted by the pro hero behind me as I tapped my fingers idly on the counter completely ignoring him. Cat and mouse, he's obviously got the temperament but If I can keep him hooked and remembering me he won't lay off so quick.

"The hell do you think you're doing taking my spot in line short stack?" My fists balled at my sides.

Look. I'm not proud of my height. This is why I usually use my tentacles to lift myself above others, but right now that would give people something to remember and if someone recognized me during a fight I would have to hide in disguise every time I went out in public normally.

I turned and glared at him as his nostrils flared and his eyes were dark around his black mask that seemed to only make them more vibrant and angry. 

"call me short stack again and I'll kick your ass"

"tch, you couldn't do shit to me, you're just a bratty little bystander who doesn't know one thing about combat-"

Without thinking I reeled my fist back and socked him clean in the nose.

Gasps flooded the room and I held back the grimace at the sight of the splitting skin on my knuckles from the hit that made a thud it was so rough. 

Bakugo let out a loud groan and stumbled back a fraction before moving his hand from his nose a little to examine the blood leaking from it. I paled and stepped back. Shit. I just set off a living bomb.

His eyes slowly lifted to mine before they narrowed significantly his lip curling baring white teeth and a loud vexed growl flowing from his throat his nose scrunching as the crimson that matched his eyes dripped past his lip.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2020 ⏰

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