I ask you reader what is love? is it the powerful force that pulls people together or is it just a lie we tell one another to make eachother feel cared about? I do know one thing about love and that is that it is complicated one minute you feel invincible and the next you feel broken and battered and you don't know what the hell just happened. even people like me can love but the question i ask myself is does the person standing there telling me they love me mean it or is it just a cover up for something they have done and not told me or do they just say it so i don't leave them and find someone that really cares. why do people try to act as if what they say is what they mean but yet never back it up? i don't know what love is and i wish i knew the answer but i think that we all ask ourselves at some point what is love and how does it affect me and my life? do i have time for it? will i ever experience it?
so i ask you again reader what is love?______________________________________________________
if you have the answer to any of these questions feel free to tell me them
have a good day.