Hickson Chen - Introduction

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Hickson Chen is an amazingly talented business development professional and is credited for offering the best and most effective business development solutions to the company. He is involved in promoting the LA Food Bank, and I sit on the board of my HOA.

Hickson Chen is a seasoned executive in business development as well as a film industry finance advisor with a long background managing investment portfolios, operations, change management, hedge fund administration, private equity funds, and other financial investment opportunities.

Hickson Chen was born in Brazil and later immigrated with my parents to the United States. He is known for his incredibly productive business development policies and logical reasoning.

Hickson Chen attended university and graduated from Manhattanville College and studied International Management at Imperial College London. He has also worked as a finance manager and is quite accustomed to the laws and different policies.

Hickson Chen has worked with a number of reputed companies throughout his career and is known for carrying out his responsibilities in a way that is unmatched.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2020 ⏰

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Hickson Chen - Business Development Professional From CaliforniaWhere stories live. Discover now