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Patliputra  was a happy and joyful place but when one day the king of Patliputra got disappeared everything changed .One by one the people of Patliputra started to disappear and not only disappear they started turning into zombies !!!!  All the people used to lit fire outside their houses because this would keep the zombies away from them  and  avoid touching them because if they touch you . You also will turn into zombie . All of them prayed to Lord Vishnu that please cure everything . Meanwhile Bheem and his friends were enjoying playing chess to sharp their minds . Just then a man came to Bheem said that your freind Krishna is finding you in the market you should go to meet him. At first Bheem got excited and steeped out to run but he thought that my friends are those who meet me constantly not like Krishna . As Chutki , Raju and jagu was about to run Krishna called them from the behind of the tree where they all were sitting . He also told them that he had brought a gift for them which was kept behind the tree . After hearing this all of them except Bheem all got excited and rushed towards the back of the tree . Meanwhile , Bheem was sitting in a sigh and then Krishna approached him and asked him that aren't you excited for the gift and aren't you my friend ?? Bheem said my friends are those who meet me regularly not like you who just meet me once n a blue moon . Krishna said that ok so when you were n problem I helped you and now its my turn so you are refusing to help me. Bheem in shock immideatly got worried and said that Krishna are you ok what happened to you ??? Krishna said that  am ok but things are not ok in Patilputra and told him the whole story of Patliputra and asked that if he could help him in solving the problem . Meanwile Raju , Chutki and Jaggu were enjoying there gift which was butter . Juicy , yummy , delicious butter . When they heard what Krishna and Bheem were talking they immediately stopped eating butter and heard what they were saying . After hearing what Krishna said Bheem told him that friends don't ask to help they give you the order what to do . We will head towards Patliputra in the extreme morning and then he snatched the pot of butter from Raju  and started licking out of his hands .  soon the sunlight approached their faces and they all woke up and headed towards Patliputra . In the place where they were sitting Bheem randomly asked a question to Krishna which he was very curious to know about ??? He asked that what is the main problem in Patliputra what was the reason of the Kings dissapearence ??? Krishna said that that is the thing we have to find . As soon as the driver heard the name of Zombie he turned backwards and asked what !!zombie and even the two luggage carts asked this question in fear ?? And they were actually Kaliya and Dholu ,Bholu. Bheem Krishna and all of the others asked what are you all doing here ?? They said that f you are going to help someone why shouldn't we join you . After hearing this they all laughed but after hearing what Kanha said they all were stunned !!! They all reached Patliputra at night . When they reached there they all were very sleepy so they knocked on peoples houses but one responded because they had a fear that the zombie are knocking on their doors . But soon they all found a shed where they can sleep . Bholu was not able to sleep because of the habit of Kaliya snoring . But suddenly he saw some ugly hands tearing the shed to enter . He trembled in fear and woke up Dholu as well after seeing this both of them screamed and woke up all of them . When those zombies entered the shed Chutki saw there feet and said that they are backwards !!! But   Krishna  and Bheem were successful in Fighting against the Zombies . But as soon as the zombies ran away , Bheem sa a mysterious man who wasn't having a shadow . After seeing this Bheem told this to everyone and after saying this Kaliya said that it isn't possible . Krishna said it is immposible but ghost don't have shadow . They all left this talk and slept peacefully .  in the morning a small boy woke them up and sang loudly . They defeated the bad people , they defeated the bad people !!!! And then the small boy asked Krishna and Bheem to teach him the stunts they did to defeat the bad people.  And then the small boy's mother asked them to come to her house to eat . They all agreed and they were eating peacefully but suddenly ,a horse cart with a mail man seating in it rushed towards Bheem and Krishna and his friends . All the village people ran into their houses. When Bheem saw this he asked one of the village people why were they running and then he said that after the king disappeared their two sons and his daughter became cruel and never let anyone enter their castle and they had a king priest whose every word they believed and he had organized a pooja which would help patliputra to recover from this curse and till puranmashi no one is allowed to step a foot outside patliputra and after saying this he ran and as well as the other people of patliputra . When the cart stopped at one place a man came and requested the price to let him go out because his son was not fine and he needs to go out of the town for his cure but the prince refused and took a look at Bheem, Krishna and their friends and asked "who are you? and what are you doing here in patliputra? They told that they are here to fix this curse. The prince rudely replied that we are here to fix are town their is no need to interfere and walked away. Bheem suspiciously looked and Krishna and pointed out that palace priest they were talking about and planned to enter the castle and kept eating their food. Meanwhile, in the castle the princess and the two prince met their priest and asked him about Bheem, Krishna and their friends that who are they and what are they doing here the priest said that these two boys are really dangerous and courageous human beings and they are a problem in the pooja you need to get them out. The princes said that we should just go and kill them but the princess very cleverly said that no! we should not go and kill them we should invite them to our castle and then kill them in such a way that the villagers don"t suspect us and then the priest said yes the princess is absolutely correct we should not kill them out of the castle. Then they wrote a letter to Bheem saying that we kindly invite yu to our castle for lunch and we really appreciate if you could forgive us for our behavior this morning . When Bheem received this letter and read it he thought really suspiciously that why would they invite us to their palace but they decided to go and check but as soon as they stepped to go to the castle chutki stop them saying that its not safe or all of us to go so its better some of us stay here. Then Kaliya thought that their is no way I am going heir that place could be dangerous so he said that Bheem me and dholu, Bholu will stay here so you Chutki, Jaggu, Raju and Krishna go to the palace and the same they did and they reached the castle and thats when they met both the prince and the princess they all had planned to kill Bheem by cutting the rope of the chandelier so that it falls on him but as we all know that Krishna is actually god Vishnu and he could save Bheem and the same he did by making Bheem fall down at the part of the palace where the chandelier could not harm him and the same happened and thats when the prince and the princess got irritated that they could not kill him and then Krishna asked that how did  the chandelier broke and fell down the prince said that it must have gotten old but they didnt know that Krishna clearly knew their intensions and will not let them harm neither Bheem nor the others . Then they all moved towards the  dining table where they have delicious and scrumtious food but in the kheer they had mixed poison so that Bheem could die but of course Krishna could sense that their was something wrong with the kheer and so he asked bheem to give him a ladoo and then he ate the ladoo through which Bheem, Chutki. Raju and Jagu could feel their tummy full and could not it the kheer and when they all said that sorry we could not eat a bite because we are full the royal highnesses in astonishment thought that how is it possible that just a second ago hey were licking their lips seeing all this delicious food and now they are full?? so they said that it doesn't matter if you are full or not you have to at least eat the kheer to distract them Krishna looked at the princess's cat and hypnotized them and started saying that in Dwarka i saw a cat just like this and she was magical and this is a real story which i amtelling and then hypnotized princess asked that oh really you lived in Dwarka and during this Krishna asked bheem to take Jaggu, Raju and Chutki out from the castle and then suddenly the cat jumped and pushed all of the bowls of Kheer down breaking the hypnotizement then the warrior of the castle came shouting that your royal highness! your royal highness they all of came here to meet the priest not for lunch after hearing this Krishna ran outwards the castle along with Bheem and the others. When they reached back to kaliya and Dholu, Bholu they all breathed in relieved and then sat down to discuss what to do next but suddenly raju felt something fall on his head and when he saw what it was he told the others then Bheem opened it and read aloud I can tell you the secret of patliputra and its cure if you want to know come near the cliff but alone and at the end it was written your well wisher. Bheem found it strange but he needed to solve this mystery so he decided to go and thats when raju stopped him saying that Bheem nothing will happen to you na and then Krishna assured Raju that  nothing will happen to him because we are with him! Then they all hugged each other. Then bheem went towards the cliff and their he found a beautiful peacock feather and decided to take it for Krishna because he loved them but suddenly a strange person attacked bheem and then Bheem difficultly went back but with a knife which the person used to attack him when he reached back to his friends and told them what happened and showed them the knife when Chutki and Raju aw the knife they were astonished because this was the same knife they saw at the castle in a photo frame of the king. They saw it when they were running back so this was sure that someone from the castle is doing this. So they had to go to the castle to know who is behind this mystery so they wet near the castle and climbed over it and then Bheem and Krishna ad that you all wait here until we call you because its not safe inside. After they both went inside Kaliya decided to be a hero and went inside. After a few minutes Bheem and Krishna  found the way to the priest and went inside that room and in the room they found a weapon inside the mirror which belonged to Kirmada! and thats when Krishna realized that Kirmada is back and then they heard a cruel laugh which was Kirmada. When Krishna saw him he was about to attack him with his magical power but Kirmada told them that your friends are in my watch now they have been captured if you want them safe then keep you power to urself and then Bheem stopped Krishna from attacking Kirmada because he cant let Kirmada harm them so the only option which they had left was to command what Kirmada told us to do which was to get ourselves locked up. When they both were locked up in the jail Bheem started crying thinking about his friends and that's when Krishna assured him that nothing willl happen to them and about Kirmada that how did he return even when we killed him and that answer we can find from this piece of mirror which broke when Kirmada was talking to us, through this mirror we will find about this mystery. When Bheem and Krishna looked in the mirror this is what they saw...... When Kirmada was it by the wheel of the cart he disappeared into the floor and their he met he devil which gave him evil powers  told Kirmada to collect 1000 souls which will turn him into the most powerful devil. Meanwhile, in Patliputra the king was introducing his children to the real king priest when the priest reached his room he started to mediate and then when he opened is eyes  he saw a spirit moving here and their and then Kirmada who was the spirit entered the priest's body and the king saw all of this and then he was about to kill Kirmada assuming him as jut a weak sprit and that's when  Kirmada captured the king's soul and that's when this mystery started. After seeing this Krishna thought of getting out in a way to get out so he told Bheem his plan. Now they went near the end of the lockup and asked the warriors 'hi warriors so I thought that you are so brave and you must be getting bored so should I play my flute to entertain you'?? Then Krishna started playing the flute and when the sound of the flute reached their ears they all were fast asleep and when Krishna tuned around the check on Bheem he was also fast asleep!! Krishna woke him up and got out of the lockup. Then Bheem got ready for the battle against Kirmada then went to save their friends and did it but as soon as they were heading towards the border of Patliputra where the pooja was going to begin and also this would help Kirmada to become the most powerful demon on the earth. Bheem reached their, but it was too late because Kirmada had already stepped in to the fire of pooja and he had converted  into his real face and that's when the royal highnesses realized  that Kirmada was just acting to be the priest. When they saw all this they fainted their only and then Kirmada decided to kill everyone else so he was about to step on Dholu, Bholu but Krishna stopped him by holding this feet and then he told Bheem totake Kirmada's weapon and kill him with that so  Bheem did the same and at the end he was successful and everything came togeather. After killling Kirmada Krishna returned all the souls to which body they belonged to. After that they went back to Dholakpur and their Krishna went back to Dwarka and left

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2020 ⏰

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