So Apperantly Cenra has a best friend named pepper. Pepper is a pig, but she likes thinking she's a chicken-horse. She's the furriest of furries and,tbh, the meanest. She thinks she's so cool when in reality, she is not. She thinks she knows how to handle UwUs when rumor has it she got tackled by a number of 52 UwUs in 2019. She says that I'm a waste to this cult and I should be taken by the devil himself (she's one to talk). XD likes her and idk why. XD planned to first: dress you up as an UwU stan so they think you like "UwU"
Yea sure, the design sucks but no one really cared at this point.
But then, that little b!tch (yea youre trying to be clean, you're a fetus) Pepper said that she should dress up like the UwUs and that she should go undercover. XD was actually considering it, which was very frightening to say the least. How could you be replaced like this?!
You start crying, but then thank crispy Cenra stepped in and said: "nu XD! evwy pewson fwom da UwUs knows dat she is fwom da OwOz!" XD agreed. Pepper was mad. REALLY MAD. She started having a big fat tantrum on the floor.
You couldn't care less. While Cenra and XD were OwOing the demon out of Pepper, you couldn't help but do the default fortnite dance. You danced like no one was watching but everyone was looking at you with confusion, and some with anger, including pepper. Pepper rated you out on it and you got the electric chair. Luckily you survived, the OwOs didn't seem to give 2 craps honestly. The still wanted you so ya. Anyways the OwOs gave you a map so you can find the cults underground layer lmbo. You were finding your way to the UwUs when Rick Asltey walks by and rickrolls you. You didn't care but meh. Anyways someone knocked you out with a fracking crowbar
Sorry this was short but cliffhanger