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Aiziwa:ok everyone get into your disaster zones.

Everyone did as they were told you were in the same district as deku,froppy and mineta.

Ok so...

There suddenly a portal appeared and villains came rushing out of it.All the students where on high alert form the villains.

Ok guys don't panic its going to be ok.Just give me a minute I have to figure out a plan.

There was a huge hit to the boat so,it started to sink. It was going to be fully sunk in less that 10 minutes.

Froppy:y/n we could really us a plan right now.

Um, You thought for a moment.

I got it!

You tell them the plan and it works out perfectly. Shigaraki trys to reachout for froppy but you push her out of the way. So he ends up touching part of your hero suit. You fought shigaraki and you ended up winning and allmight showed up and every villain went back though the portal.

Recovery girl came and checked on every ones injurys. She came to but you said you were fine just a few scratches here and there.You left to find bokugou and see if he was alright. You didn't know why you wanted to see how he was doing but, at this moment all you knew is that you had to see him.

the theif that stole his heart bokugou x reader Where stories live. Discover now