Nightmare Of Chaos

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Saph: "Painite, I've come to tell you that the corrupted gems are getting better. They seem to be stable, but there is a chance they'll change back into their corrupted form. We're trying all we can, and from what I can see, a few of them do get better, but the other ones like Red Sapphire and Aquamarine stay corrupted."
Saph: Says the Sapphire, her short yellow hair covering her four eyes. She walks next to Painite, the size difference between the two great.
Pain: "Thank you, Saph."
Pain: She arrives at her base, entering inside and making her way to the control room, where Moonstone is. She slides into a chair and swipes up a screen, the spaceship of a diamond hand crashing down into the base. She slides back, the debris hitting her as she runs towards Sapphire, hovering over her as a large piece of rock hits her back. She groans, pushing it off. Shock runs over her, but soon she comes back to reality and checks on Saph.
Pain: "Are you okay?"
Saph: "Y-Yeah...What happened?"
Pain: "The Diamonds, they've spotted us. I need to round up the others. Moonstone, take Sapphire to the ship."
Saph: "Wait wha- No! Let me come with you!"
Moon: "Of course, Pain."
Moon: She picks Yellow up and heads out.
Pain: She grabs things from the destroyed base, putting it in her gem. Sprinting off towards the badly made civilization of Gems, she notices some soldiers in the distance. She pushes herself more, entering into the center of the camp, looking around, her voice echoing through the forest as she speaks.
A few of the warrior's nod, getting to her side, ready to fight.
Pain: She pulls out her war hammer, looking at the ship Yellow was on.
W1: "Painite, get to Yellow, we can fend them off."
W2: "You mean too much to everyone, your the only one who'd be able to lead it, we can't lose you."
Pain: "What about you guys? I can' just leave you beh-"
Bombs are thrown at the gems running towards the ships, half of them instantly shattered.
Pain: A look of guilt and anger appears on her face, causing her to growl.
Says one of the warriors, the eight of them running to battle.
Pain: She stares for a few moments, then nods, quickly making her way towards the ships. Shattered gemstones sat on the grass around her, her eyes scanning over all of them. Once she gets to the first ship, she puts a hand on Yellow, soon picking her up and hugging her.
Pain: "Moon, who is left...?"
Moon: "Only three out of the seven ships were filled, we lost a lot of our Gems."
Saph: "I know what your thinking, Pain. We can't do anything about it. Please, we have to go, you can't fight The Diamonds yourself."
Pain: She fought back her urges, soon starting the ship and pulling up the transmission for the other 2 ships. Different kinds of gems sat behind her, worried or crying because of a lost friend. 
Ruby: "ZrrrTtz...Ruby here...I'm planning for liftoff...ZrrrTtz"
Peridot: "ZrrrTtz...Copy, Ruby...ZrrrTtz."
Pain: she put her hands on the controls, just staring outside of the ship, watching The Diamonds destroy the planet with their blasters. She seemed to zone out, her hands shaking and tears going down her face.
Moon: Moonstone pulled her back from the controls, letting a gem from the back take command of the ship.
Pain: "...It's...All my fault...Moon...Sapphire...I failed everyone! I got half of them killed!"
Saph: "Stop thinking that way, please...You did your best, you couldn't do anything else."
Moon: "Yeah, don't beat yourself up."
Moon: Her brown eyes turned into a neon red, her knees to the floor as a fire erupted around her. Her fingers dug into the ship, although she made sure not to damage it. She stood up, looking at Sapphire.
Saph: She notices this, fear overwhelming her as she backs up towards Moon, her body shaking.
Moon: "Pain, snap out of it. Don't let your anger control you."
Moon: She said in a soft voice, her hands resting on Yellow's shoulders, trying to comfort her. She had a serious expression, but her eyes were gentle, worried for her.
Pain: Her eyes turned to brown, and she seemed like herself once again. She seemed ashamed of herself and walked over to the ship door, looking out the window. She watched the planet get farther away and soon saw a big explosion, rocks flying towards them, but luckily they got away quickly. 
Opal: The driver started to speak up, although she focused on where she was going, knowing that she had to be careful.
Opal: "It'll be a while until we get to the backup planet. The other ships are following us, and we're clear of any meteorites. I suggest everyone just rest."
Pain: She still looked a bit tense. She slid her back against the wall and put her knees to her chest. Closing her eyes, thoughts went through her head. She wasn't able to focus on her surroundings anymore.
Pains Mind: 'What happened to me? Why'd my eyes go red? How'd the diamonds find us? Who did we lose? Am I dangerous?'
Pain: Too many questions were going through her mind. Soon, she just relaxed, drifting off to sleep.


Pain: Her body quickly moved forward, her breaths heavy. She looked around, noticing she was okay. She got up, seeing that Yellow and Moon were out, and so she was in the base alone. It was hard as their planet was destroyed, and that had only happened five days ago. Since then, she had been having a lot of nightmares of that same day, and it was always frightening to her. She made her way outside, her arm going over her face as the sun shone down on her.
Saph: "Painite! Hey, I'm really glad to see you! Moon and I were making sure everyone were alright. You passed out in the middle of a conversation, but we knew you were a bit stressed so we didn't wake you up."
Moon: "Everyones okay for now...Well, except for the corruptions. One of the gems was able to poof them and bubble them so we could continue to help them. The move put stress onto their healing process and they reverted back completely."
Pain: "Hm...Okay. Where's Topaz and Jade?"
Saph: "Well, I think they're setting up their tent, and I believe we're closeby. We should probably transport them to the small lab in the center of the forest."
Moon: "Luckily we found this planet awhile ago, and had some things set up ."
Pain: "We'll have to make it home here, and that'll take a while. We can't face any more attacks."
Pain: She feels her device ringing in gemstone, grabbing it, and clicking it on. The face of someone familiar pops up...
Pain: "AMBER?!"

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