Late Night Snack

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I Do not own My Hero Academia or it's characters.
Shouta Aizawa

You have been a student teacher working under Aizawa, the best teacher UA has to offer, for a whole semester now. You were UA alumni and your quirk was similar to that of Aizawas, so Principal Nezu requested you personally hoping to take you in the second you graduate. That in no means makes this job easy or that you have to work less than usual.

It actually means the opposite. Shouta Aizawa works you just as hard as his students. He is such a stoic, straight-to-the-point man and rarely joked around, if at all, joked ever. You always tried to lighten the mood by making some puns here and there, but he either ignored them or just stared at you, straight face and all, until you stopped. It was really intimidating, but you wouldn't let Mr. Sour Pants ruin your fun. He eventually just adapted to your antics, but over the past few weeks, he's back at being a hard ass.

The finals were upon the students and that meant more work for the both of you. Working late in his office to finish what you couldn't during the day was the new normal for you. He was use to staying up late working, but it took some time and a lot of coffee to get you adjusted. Every night for the past few weeks, you and Aizawa have graded and evaluated each of the students, working as late as 11:00 pm and getting up bright and early the next day for the physical training.

Since being around Aizawa more, you've started to learn more about him as a person rather than just a teacher/authority. He also learned your ways as you picked up on his habits. Some were normal, like how he drinks his coffee black, but there were other things you noticed that made you feel worried about him, like how he only drinks black coffee. All the time.

Some of Aizawa's habits were not what most would consider healthy. Taking naps whenever he feels like it and skipping meals because he doesn't feel the need to eat most of the time. You can't help his napping so you brought it upon yourself to make sure he eats at regularly scheduled times. You caught on that he mostly sticks to finger foods as they are quick and easy for him to grab when he works, so you mostly pack him and yourself food of that sort. Today, you packed Sushi and Pocky.

It was another late night for the two of you and you weren't even close to finishing. Currently, you were going over the papers Aizawa had already graded. He said it was to show you how to properly evaluate the students. Your first paper was one Mineta had written. Although well written, you were pretty tired of reading about how big Mt. Lady 'truly' was and moved on to the next one.

A noise coming from Aizawa's desk startled you, so you looked up from your papers to see what was going on. It was just Aizawa stretching, but his eyes were concentrated on the paper below him. He was always so focused on his work and his multitasking skills mesmerized you. It was hard not to look at him as he does his work. The little things he did always intrigued you and seeing what Shouta was doing was much more interesting than reading the mess of papers before you.

He grabbed a hair tie, lazily placing it in between his lips as he pulled his hair up into a messy bun. He moved his scarf around to loosen it up, letting the long fabric fall down his back. As the scarf fell, you could see that his long sleeve shirt is a v-neck and even saw some of his blackened chest hair peeking out. He then proceeded to roll up his sleeves just past his elbow. His forearms were toned and scared, veins visible from where you were sitting. After all this time, you've never seen him like this before. He's usually covered head to toe in his black attire so this new, more relaxed form of him caught you off guard.

You've always thought he was handsome, but seeing him like this made you think he was more than just a handsome man. He looked sexy. A blush peppers your cheeks at the thought. You clear your throat and try to think of something else. Anything else is better than thinking about how attractive he is. How his skin would feel if you were to-

Late night snack Aizawa x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now